Vendor information for e-resources processes
Vendors for e-resource management
In Alma, vendor records include some aspects of e-resource management, including:
- Usage information
- Interface information
- General access information
- Administrative records
Vendor records must have the Vendor Type Access Provider checked in order to include interfaces. The Interfaces area of the vendor record will not appear unless this box is checked.
Vendor records must have the Vendor Type Licensor checked in order to be used as licensors in license records.
Permissions Note: An operator must have Vendor Maintenance permissions in order to create and edit interface records.
HL Finance may edit information pertaining to material suppliers and subscription agents in Alma. Harvard Library E-Resources may edit information pertaining to access providers and licensors. See Vendor Maintenance for more information and for the latest Alma Vendor Request Form.
Vendor interfaces
In Alma, e-resource interfaces are managed through vendor records.
Searching for an interface
To find a specific interface from the persistent search bar:
- Use search type Vendors
- Use search criteria Interface Name
- Type the interface name into the search box
Searching for e-resources from a particular interface
To find e-resources available from a particular interface using the persistent search bar:
- Use search type Electronic Titles, Electronic Portfolio, or Electronic Collection
- Use search criteria Interface Name
- Type the interface name into the search box
Creating and editing interfaces
For detailed instructions, read the Ex Libris documentation on how to edit an interface ( ).
The basic steps are:
- Before setting up a new interface, do a thorough search of interfaces (using the Vendor/Interface Name search) to make sure the interface does not already exist in Alma.
- Determine which vendor record the interface should be associated with.
- Check to see whether the vendor has type Access Provider already checked; if not, check the box.
- Click Add in the Interfaces section to create a new interface.
- Select the correct interface name if it already exists. A vendor may have multiple interfaces.
- For migrated interface records, data is pre-populated with information from Verde. New information may be entered as needed.
- Click Save.