Working with Requests for Restricted Materials

Working with Requests for Restricted Materials

Internal Review, Pre-Retrieval

In cases where a request may need to be reviewed by another library staff member before they can be retrieved, you can manually route the request out of the Awaiting Request Processing queue (or its equivalent) and into the Awaiting Restrictions Processing queue.

The Awaiting Restrictions Processing queue will indicate to other staff members that the request needs further review before materials can be retrieved. You may want to add a note indicating what kind of review needs to take place and who may be responsible for it. 

If, after the additional review, it is determined that the patron may use the requested materials, you can move the request into the appropriate retrieval status. 

Internal Review, Post-Retrieval

In cases where materials may need to be reviewed by library staff member after they have been retrieved, you can manually route the request to the Awaiting Restrictions Review queue. For example, you may need to review a box of materials retrieved from HD to remove restricted items before a patron is allowed to access it.

If you route a request to Awaiting Restrictions Review, it will not show in the patron's web account as being available to use. Once the materials are ready for use, you can route them to the appropriate hold status.

External Review, Pre-Retrieval

In cases where a request may need to be reviewed by a party outside the library before they can be accessed, for example by an creating office or donor, you can manually route the request out of the Awaiting Request Processing queue (or its equivalent) and into the External Restrictions Review in Process queue.

The External Restrictions Review in Process status will indicate to other staff members that the request needs further review before materials can be retrieved. You may want to add a note indicating what kind of review needs to take place and who may be responsible for it. 

If, after the additional review, it is determined that the patron may use the requested materials, you can move the request into the appropriate retrieval status.