Batch Load Bibs/Holdings/Items Pilot - DONE

Batch Load Bibs/Holdings/Items Pilot - DONE

Fall 2018

Library Technology Services and Harvard Library staff are engaging in a Pilot project to extend batch load functions to library staff to create bibliographic records and stub holdings and items for records supplied by vendors.

Batch Load Bibs/Holdings/Items training materials

Pilot Milestones

  1. Creation of generic load profile in Alma (complete). 
  2. Creation of training program/documentation (complete)
  3. Pilot cohort training on record load process (completed October 9, 2018).  
  4. Alma Sandbox Login will be updated with Resource Management Extended Plus (complete).
  5. Pilot members will independently practice loading records (October 9 - 19).  
  6. Once pilot members feel comfortable with the process, they will ask LTS to review the records loaded. (Completed Oct/Nov 2018)
  7. LTS will review the records loaded for the operator and approve submitted login request form. (Completed Oct/Nov 2018)
  8. Alma Production Login will be updated with Resource Management Extended Plus. (Completed Oct/Nov 2018)
  9. Pilot member can begin to load records in production, in line with the best practices covered in training. (Began Nov 2018)
  10. Revise training program based on pilot input. (Completed March 2019) 
  11. Extend training to all Harvard Library users with need for batch loading. (Offered April 2019)

Pilot Participants

  1. Nada Hussein (MED)
  2. Karim Rouqui (MED)
  3. Lev Chaban  (ELD)
  4. Matt Sullivan (HCL Collections)
  5. Vardit Samuels (JUD)
  6. Elizabeth Vernon (JUD)
  7. Daryl Boone (ITS—ASWG))
  8. Naun Chew (ITS—RMWG)