HOLLIS "Staff record sets"
What is a HOLLIS Staff record set?
An itemized set of records from Alma that is exposed to users in HOLLIS
Each set has a static URL that can be shared via LibGuides, LibAnswers, etc.
A grid view of records, where 10 records are shown at a time, with a button to "Load more items."
Custom thumbnails can optionally be added to individual Alma records.
All aspects of Staff Record Sets are managed in Alma by library staff.
Staff record sets are NOT:
a replacement for collections exposed via library.harvard.edu, nor a replacement for CURIOSity and its exhibition features
a way to gather very large numbers of records, such as can be achieved via series statements in MARC records
Sample set with subsets:
Sample record list:
How is a staff record sets managed?
This feature uses the Alma "collection" tool, where sets are defined and managed. See Alma "collections" feature - managing staff record sets in Primo (HOLLIS)
There is a publicly-exposed HOLLIS home page for Staff record sets, but this page is not intended for patron use. Please do not share this page with patrons. This page is available so that staff may easily retrieve the stable URL for a given set.
Linking to a public HOLLIS Staff record set
Find your set via the Staff record sets HOLLIS page. Reminder - this page is not intended for patron use.
Click on your set. The resulting URL is the stable URL you can use to link patrons to your set. For example, https://hollis.harvard.edu/primo-explore/collectionDiscovery?vid=HVD2&collectionId=812473563080003941
Note that in HOLLIS Staff record sets, record "clustering" is turned off on the Staff Record Set page. You won't see the "More print & online options" link until you open a bib.
Searching HOLLIS by Collection ID to see facets
You can also search HOLLIS by collection ID to get a "normal" set of results with facets, e.g. search HOLLIS by 812473563080003941.
IMPORTANT: this will not retrieve titles in subsets. To retrieve all results from multiple collections/sub-collections, use an OR search containing the Alma collection ID for every parent/sub-collection.
Using this method, record clustering remains "on." For example, if the print title is in your set, and we also have the e-title, you will see the cluster with both in the search results.
You will not see the name of the Staff Record Set on the search result page. You will see it on each individual record only in the Detail view.
Record detail view
HOLLIS Record Set Names are exposed in the Detail view of the record in the set, and are a hyperlink to the HOLLIS Record Set page for that set.
If there are sub-sets, you can hover to choose either the parent or the sub-set.
A record can be part of multiple sets. A hyperlink will show for each set.
How to get started
Establish which team member(s) in your unit will be the primary person/people to manage the set in Alma. Prior Alma experience is required.
Send a ticket to LTS Support asking for a new collection to be created, and provide as much background as possible, including:
Which staff members will need Alma permissions for set management
Title for the HOLLIS Staff Record Set
Description for the set display page
A thumbnail for the set, no larger than 100kb (if not supplied LTS will use a generic thumbnail)