Completing documentation and finishing!

Completing documentation and finishing!


After your collection is end processed, you have a few more steps and some record-keeping to finish up. Double check the End-Processing by Assistant checklist.



We keep track of collections worked on each fiscal year in a spreadsheet called "Processing stats." Here you can record information on the beginning size of the collection (as described in the Survey documentation), the number of different non-paper formats, etc. The End Processing Assistant also uses this spreadsheet to record final linear feet, etc.

Each year for the Library's annual report, we report the number of collections we've processed and their linear feet. We also record a list of the collection names, as well as a list of collections on which work is underway.This information is culled from our Processing Stats spreadsheet.We count collections that are waiting to be end processed as complete.

Since 2015 we have also reported on the the linear feet completed by processors on collections that are not yet completed - this allows for work on multi-year projects to be "seen" even when they are not yet completed.


Each processor usually also records in their yearly review the number of linear feet they have completed each year - even if the entire collection has not been completed. In general, we consider "completed" to mean material that has been refoldered, listed, and described in the finding aid.

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