
gsd wiki is an effort in distilling design process methods generated in gsd studios. following open source principles, we wish to provide infrastructure to collect, preserve and make available techniques learned through our own worklows. we encourage free contributions and sharing of knowledge within the gsd community. 


01still image representation

plantechniques to develop plan drawings from digital model representation with vector graphics showing depth and detail.


sectiontechniques to develop orthographic section drawings by projecting construction geometry from plans.


section perspectivetechniques to develop composite perspective sections from digital model representation of building, using vector graphics or ray-traced rasters.


02moving representation

03physical models

clear castingproducts that can be potentially used as alternatives to clear casting resins


site model makingcommon site modeling methods and their associated costs


04object libraries

2D tree librarylibrary of tree PNG, PSD, Ai, CAD files, 



scaling templates (Rhino \ Illustrator)drawing documents used to re-scale drawings to different scales


Software Tools

The primary design / modeling software used at the Harvard GSD is Rhinoceros (Rhino). Rhinoceros is a powerful modeling tool based on NURBS representation of geometries, which allows for infinitely accurate resolution of complex geometric definitions. Furthermore, Rhino provides a comprehensive ecosystem of development frameworks, plugins, and other resources. As such, the wiki is compiled with a Rhino-centric workflow in-mind.

That being said, many other software is used at the GSD to support a diverse range of design computation activities.

Common Software Annotation Syntax

The wiki is primarily compiled with a Rhino-centric workflow in mind. The following syntax is used to denote data structure and commands specific to Rhino:

Rhino-Specific Command


Used to denote normal Rhino command or short snippets of RhinoScript.
Rhino-Specific Layer


Used to denote specific Rhino Layer references.
Illustrator-Specific Layer


Used to denote specific Illustrator Layer references.

"Example Jargon"

Used to denote Rhino-specific technical terms.

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