MOSS Tasklist

MOSS Tasklist

  • Data analysis standards discussion?

  • frame of the dome analysis
  • square the axes on the first plots - and test that the line is at the elevation angle 
    • this would be a good confirmation - centroiding errors cannot know the dome angle
  • check that no differential image motion with 10s image?
    • measure standard deviation as a function of pulse duration - coherence time of turbulence in the dome; change in characteristic time with dome open, dome closed? 
  • sound travel time across diameter of dome
  • align spots for stuttered imaging mode at current frame rate


Think about alignment methods - we have more space on the focal plane to work with, but may not have the time to use the telescope like with did with switching nasmyth ports on auxtel. However, the mirror + level + translation stage didn't guarantee as precisely aligned beams as we might have wanted.

Next Steps (CWS May 16)

itemwho?by when? notes
Figure out relationship between pixel x,y and azimuth, elevationChrisMay 30
Make some book-keeping tools and summaries that break data into distinct blocks with links to output file locations

Questions we can address: 
  • how does RMS motion depend on dome status (open. closed)
  • how does RMS motion correlate with anemometer standard deviation of temperature? (note the anemometer only sees one aspect, not things like mirror seeing)
  • what are the relevant timescales, by looking at image motion vs. pulse duration

Analysis of imaging data- make plots of FWHM^2 vs. airmass for each scan through elevation angle. Extract fit coefficients and their uncertainties as a data table with UT, intercept, slopeKane knows how to do this now, has code.
can we get the full-frame PSF information from downstream processing? 

incorporate above into three overall data tables-

one for dome open vs. closed comparisons. How does MOSS RMS change vs. dome conditions and time since opening? 
one for dependence on pulse duration- (do we have that for dome-open status? - yes, we just have 0.01ms, 0.1ms, and 1ms, not longer pulses.)
one for night-time observing, that includes slope and intercept and MOSS RMS for each observing block. 

make nice conceptual diagram figure for showing the concept. MeghanMay 25recommendations for software commonly used for this?
start an overleaf document on the instrument, and one for the results paper. MeghanMay 16done

Devise experimental plan for Aux Tel- 
1) monitor dome seeing before, during, and after venting of enclosure. 
2) during-the-night monitoring of seeing evolution, both dome and atmospehre
3) analysis pipeline development. 
4) obtain 520nm narrowband filter to allow for daytime observations? 

Think about next-gen system, for main telescope
Xenon flash lamp rather than laser diode source? Allows for operation in all filter bands. 


Worked on remoting in from computer; can get into s3df and then rubin-devl.

Still have to input password to get into rubin-devl, but this is not the end of the world for right now.

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