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Day 1-2 (07/11-12)

  • Day 1: Reviewed papers Chris sent, met with Chris and Eske on Zoom to discuss expectations, project outline on wiki page
  • Day 2: Set up FASRC account. Followed the "User Quick Start Guide" on FASRC page
    • set up 2FA, FASRC VPN, terminal access, and watched a few data transfer videos
    • Used rsync to load Eske's target directory /n/holystore01/LABS/stubbs_lab/Lab/Auxtel_data/spectrum_data onto computer
    • Went into lab and met Eske, Ali, and Mark in person. Very cool people.
    • Opened Jupyter notebook; looked up astropy documentation to open fits files
    • Successfully opened fits file to view contents inside, retrieved and displayed table data, displayed file header information, and plotted data

Day 3 (07/13)

  • In Jupyter notebook, filtered all the fits files in '/spectrum_data' to print out star name and date/time of observation
  • Stored names of files in record type that are all associated with one star; looks like there are 4 observed stars in the dataset Eske gave me.

Day 4 (07/14)

  • Found data files missing the table of equivalent widths that Eske gave me
  • spec_data_2022062800336.fits HD205905 2022-06-29
  • Plotted H2O and O2 equivalent widths against air masses for each star on each night (four stars on four nights based on data Eske gave me)
  • Noticed that some files do not have O2 data (may have variants like O2(Z) or O2(B), though)

First Impressions of Data:

  • The equivalent widths of H20 seem to have much more variability than those of O2
  • May be some outliers in the data (particularly for the first two plots with the negative equivalent widths, may need to check on those data points


Links to Notebook:

Github repo of project code: 

In notebook:  (added Chris as a collaborator on the github)


  • Met with Chris over zoom, got a few tasks to do:
    • three slide intro to other undergrades 5 minute lightning intro (Thurs)

    • Plot H- alpha, H-beta- should have no dependence on airmass; for quality control

    • Separate O2 lines (B and Z) lines

    • perform five sigma clipping (probably in sci py or astropy to clean data); data trimming

      • five sigma clipping: remove outliers outside of five STDs of data

      • If in future there are uncertainties in equivalent widths to be reported, compare reported with experimental STDs

    • Add error bars to plots, error bars represent underlying Gaussian distribution

    • create linear fit through data

      • a * (airmass) + b * \sqrt{airmass} + c

        create a polynomial fit

    • Create list of questions for data reduction

      • Where are the uncertainties in equivalent widths?

      • Why are there different O2 lines for some plots and not others?

    • Keep track of stars and airmass span

    • process through more data, contact Chris when delta airmass is greater than 1

  • Finished adding the H-alpha, H-beta lines, abstracted code to make extraction easier
  • Separated O2 lines in to the B, Z, Y types and plotted
  • Working on sigma_clipping
  • Working on masking the data and applying the mask to the x column as well

  • Successfully implemented five sigma clipping for all molecules and plots for each star and each night


  • successfully fit linear models to the data, can grab equations, and the R^2 value
  • Managed to fit the data to a single equation of the 1/2 order (a * x ^ (1/2) + b) but not (a * x ^ (1/2) + b * x  + c)
  • attempting to fit the polynomial data, having some bugs fo fitting a polynomial to the 1/2 order and the first order
    • bugs fixed, have (a * x ^ (1/2) + b * x  + c) functions for each type of molecule's equivalent widths against airmass

  • No labels