Slack, Teams, and Zoom options for GAI collaboration.
Chris - lets leverage all of the above. FAS level, STEM level, etc.
Jefferson - wiki could be an option
Chris - focus should be peer t- peer support - not a means to engaging HUIT support
Adam - We have a Canvas site with Slack that we use for some of our faculty-facing programming (including our Ai module):
Chris – Bok – good need at STEM AI pedagogy slack channel, fellow, faculty, everyone have access to
Action Item Review - TA / TF expectations OUB / GAS
Targeting end of day.
Action Item Review - Create list common uses / questions for pilot tool.
Need guidance on settings, such as training data opt out
Path Forward
1, What can be done with personal accounts. 2. HUIT sandbox. 3. OpenAI Enterprise.
What extent can we do platform agnostic instruction -
Adam - we could have vaculty sessions with computer to do a one hour training. Start with how to get an account and build rom there.
Jefferson - some aspectcs of tools are tolls pecific (login, temperature, etc.) However, rompt engineering and result validation are similar across tools.
Chris - in person will be more effecitve. Greg and Logan could do a session with each departement. 10 departarmetns, half day each. This should be a prioririty. Arts and Humaniets will lean on Bok Center, Science will need an option. Will chat with Amanda. Jefferson's point will be a second wave of effort.
Chris - Next desirable feature is file upload.
How are poeple getting access?
Jefferson – Emily is coordinating with the AI taskforce on going through approvals for each. We have a short list that Emily’s team has been triaging and wil;p ush sandbox url later today or Tuesday. First set of use cases and will be sent next week with onboarding information. Emily’s team is getting backend group process setup for permissions.
Chris - we should minimize inequity in application use. Need timetable for next release and broad availability.
Jefferson – there will be an assigned URL per use case due to security. May change in future releases.
Chris - feel like we need a stronger link to the user community – not as users but as partners and figure out how to do iterative assessments. Need fo find away to engage Greg, Adam, Eske, Logan. Need pedagody feedback mechanism.
Chris we need turning attention to spring term course . As semester progresses, set ambition, week at a time prepare for spring eterm. Classroom workflow that uses google forms as ingest (at faculty retreat, used QR to shared doc, it failed when not on phone, -- forms more universal). Ability to capture, aggregate, and upload to GPT will be a common scenario.
Other thing we use this forum for – identify things like that are more generic and bring ot this group for discussion, then triage.
Action Item Review - Event Planning
Chris - lets dedicate next meeting to event planning.
Action items
Adam Beaver check with Amanda regarding Bok STEM AI pedagogy slack channel with broad access. Inlcude with resources to classes next week.
Lawrence Eribarne align current policy questions with existing guidance and identify gaps
Lawrence Eribarne Make a table in wiki – desired feature, time saved, effort to implement it, how platform specific is it, then traiage based on priority. jTool oriented – like the ability to – fill in the blank.
Lawrence Eribarne create table, in advance of meeting, objective, duration, stahekoders, outcomes. (align with meeting questions into table)