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Background of Project

Email from Scott Wicks, Sept 7, 2018, with attachment

Dear Naun, Leila, Robin, and Allison:

As you know, Harvard is joining ReCAP, sharing collections and storage more closely with the three founding partners, Columbia, Princeton, and NYPL. 

Part of the arrangement with ReCAP has Harvard commit to retain many of the Harvard titles that would be unique in ReCAP.  These titles will be joining with the ReCAP ‘Shared’ collection while remaining on shelves at HD.   I am attaching the recommendation that came out of a subgroup from Ivy Plus (which included Naun) since three of the four ReCAP members are also part of this group.  In support of consistency, it makes sense that the format used to relay retention information for ReCAP matches what has been agreed to for Ivy Plus.

Access Services and collection development have identified approximately 4M titles that will need record updates to reflect this commitment on Harvard’s part.   I understand that Jim Hodgson did some work to identify the database of titles for which the retention statements can be added.  It would be good to review the selection criteria to be sure withdrawn, lost, and missing were accounted in their various forms such that commitments would not include these holdings.

I suspect in a single meeting the four of you can sign off on the text and the process for adding the information such that the task can be scheduled with LTS.  Please get back to me with your recommendation and schedule for when the record update work could take place and I will share with Suzanne Wones, Eliz Kirk, and Laura Wood for any final comment and vetting with the LLT.

It appears you are available to meet together on Monday, September 17th at 10 am (except for Robin, but she’s already indicated she wouldn’t have availability for an extended period of time).  I’ve booked your calendars, but won’t be attending the meeting.

I mentioned earlier today that Yale had posted some information about their retention notes for HathiTrust commitments.

See below both what they added to their records as well as how they identified them within their database.    

Thank you,


Meeting minutes & email communication

Meeting on Monday, Sept 17, 2018 (Leila, Naun, Allison)

Message thread subject: Content of retention notes, started Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Selection Process

Cognos reports


Proposed Batch Metadata Updates


Impact on Ongoing Workflows










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