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This wiki page is a guide to use the Differential Image Motion Sensor Using Multiapertures (DIMSUM) instrumentation that was installed to Aux Tel between December 6th and 16th. I am currently writing this as a wiki page to be able to get feedback during the process of documentation. Once everything is finalized I can create a pdf file if requested.

Description Of Instrument

The purpose of this instrument is to take pictures of an array of flashlights with a high speed camera while the AuxTel is taking data. Flashes are short enough to not create additional background light. The differential motion of the light sources calculated through the analysis of data can be correlated with the fwhm of the stars if the instrument works properly.

The instrument has two parts that wirelessly communicate with each other: the pegboard that holds the array of light sources powered by the Xenon Flash lamp inside the grey box and the camera connected to the computer. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The camera receives a command from the computer to take pictures.
  2. The remote flash trigger on top of the camera sends a signal to trigger receiver mounted to floor.
  3. The receiver triggers to flash lamp to light the sources up.
  4. The camera takes the picture of the light sources and downloads them to the computer.
  5. The pictures are written to the external disk through a script called python bash.

These steps are just a general overview of the steps. Below are the descriptions of operating the instrument with illustrations.

General Setup:

The camera connected to Macmini located near the table close to stairs.

The view of the pegboard from the location of the camera.

The view of the entire part of the pegboard.

Step By Step Instructions To Use DIMSUM

  1. Check if the MacMini is on. It should always be on, but someone may have unplugged it. If it is off, either unplugged or just not lighting up, turn it on.
  2. Take the lens cap of the camera. Make sure 
  3. Turn the camera on. When the camera is on, there should be options visible on the small screen on top of the camera (not the flash trigger).
  4. Turn the flash trigger on. That is the object that is attached on top of the camera. It has godox written in front of it. Turn on the bottom switch. The top should stay off.
  5. After this step you are done with this part of the setup. Go to the pegboard part of the setup.
  6. Turn the flash receiver on. It should be attached to the floor under the pegboard. Make sure it is on group 01 and channel A
  7. Turn the power to the flash lamp on. That is done by switching on the green extension chord.
  8. This concludes the hardware part of the preparation. Further steps are software related.
  9.  ssh into the MacMini using 


    This works if you are on the summit. You will need vpn access if you are not on the summit. It may be good to open up two windows because two separate processes will run.

  10. 106McKay!
  11. Once logged in create a directory for the observing run. You can name the file as you wish but it would be easier to track if naming would be in the form of mm-dd-yy_observing_run, thus if someone were to take data on January 17th 2023, the naming would be 23-01-17_observing_run. The command to create the file in the external disk would be:

    mkdir /Volumes/LaCie/yy-mm-dd_observing_run
  12. Once the directory in the external disk is created go to code directory using the command:

    cd /Users/stubbslab/documents/strobed_dimm/code
  13.  Step 12 has been updated. Old instructions are available at the bottom of this point.

    1. Set up the storage managing code. The images taken by the camera are initially sent to the computers local disk, then when a certain number of pictures accumulate, they are transferred to the external disk. 50 images is an ideal number to buffer. The storage management is automatically done by the script Once you are in the code directory run:

      python ./ /Volumes/LaCie/yy-mm-dd_observing_run/ 50 CR2

      This is the way it is used for the context of DIMSUM, but the meaning of arguments are as follows:
      path/to/source (where the files are internally saved), path/to/target (the directory of the external disk), number of files to transfer after, file type.

    Old description for step 12
    Set up the storage managing code. The images taken by the camera are initially sent to the computers local disk, then when a certain number of pictures accumulate, they are transferred to the external disk. 50 images is an ideal number to buffer. The storage management is automatically done by the script python bash. Once you are in the code directory run:

    python ./ /Volumes/LaCie/yy-mm-dd_observing_run/ 50 CR2

    This is the way it is used for the context of DIMSUM, but the meaning of arguments are as follows:
    path/to/source (where the files are internally saved), path/to/target (the directory of the external disk), file type, number of files to transfer after.

  14. This code is an infinite while loop, when the command above is run, you will need a new window to run the image taking commands. Thus once step 11 is completed you need to opene a new terminal window. You may have to log in again.
  15. Once logged in, go to code directory again using:

    cd /Users/stubbslab/documents/strobed_dimm/code

    1. Run the command:


      This will only take one burst, if you are taking data all night long you may want to modify the command using repeat N. A single burst approximately takes 11 seconds. For a 2 hour run repeat 900 would be enough. Repeat 900 command approximately takes 160 minutes to run. A single run approximately takes 11 seconds. 

      repeat 900 ./
      1. Step 15 is updated. Old Version at the bottom of the new version. New version uses the script and does not result in a problem of a single run with more than 10000 images.

  16. Old Instructions for step 15
    Run the command:


    This will only take one burst, if you are taking data all night long you may want to modify the command using repeat N. A single burst approximately takes 11 seconds. For a 2 hour run repeat 900 would be enough. The 900 is a maximum for now because it may result in more than 10000 photos. If that is the case, the camera may overwrite the previous files. Thus for a run longer than 2 hours, first run the command:

    repeat 900 ./

    When this is finished:

    1. stop the python_bash script running on the other window (just hit control c).

    2. Transfer the remaining files to the external disk. There will be remaining files because the script transfers them 50 by 50. You can easily transfer all the remaining files by:

      python ./ /Volumes/LaCie/yy-mm-dd_observing_run/ 1 CR2

      The steps below this is if the run is still going on after the repeat 900 command finishes executing. If the AuxTel run finishes before the 900 repeat finishes, just end the process using control c and transfer the remaining CR2 files to external disk using the command above.

    3. Create another folder in the external disk named mm-dd-yy_observing_run_2:

      mkdir /Volumes/LaCie/yy-mm-dd_observing_run_2
    4. In the window that is used to run the script python_bash, run python_bash slightly changing the parameters:

      python ./ /Volumes/LaCie/yy-mm-dd_observing_run_2/ 50 CR2
    5.  Repeat step 14 until end if more data is needed. If not, stop both of the scripts when the run ends.

  17. Transfer the remaining files to the external disk. There will be remaining files because the script transfers them 50 by 50. You can easily transfer all the remaining files by:

    python ./ /Volumes/LaCie/yy-mm-dd_observing_run/ 1 CR2
  18. Once the run is finished and all of the scripts are stopped. Go back to AuxTel and:
    1. Turn off the power to flashlight
    2. Turn off the flash trigger receiver.
    3. Turn off the flash trigger.
  19. After everything is done and you have 


There may be errors while using the instrumentation. Below is a list of possible errors and how to fix them.

The camera is not detected by the computer although it is connected with all cables and is on.

This is a common problem, follow the steps below. Try the next one if the previous one does not work.

  • Turn the camera on and off.
  • Unplug the orange cable and plug it again.

The camera is on but does not see the pegboard, it is facing somewhere else.

The picture below is how the camera should be seeing the sources. If the camera is somehow not seeing this, or not seeing another part of the pegboard, it means it has moved.

This is the optimal view and getting this exact view without a screen nearby may be hard. However, it is possible to get the camera to be at least seeing the pegboard is possible by remote support.

To move the camera left and right:

  • Loosen the screw at the bottom of the camera where it is connected to the L mount. The screw holding it should be a ¼-20 socket head screw. This means a ball hex key or a screw driver that is 3/16 of an inch could be used to loosen and tighten it.
  • Once it is loose, rotate (azimuthally) the camera to a position where it sees the pegboard.
  • Tighten the screw.

To move the view of the camera up:

  • Loosen the screw
  • Support the camera with your hand and lift it up.
  • Tighten the screw when you are supporting the camera until it holds in its new upward position without your support.

Warning: While you are moving the camera you may have readjusted the focus. Do not forget the refocus or at least check whether the focus is still correct.

Flashes are not flashing but the camera is taking pictures. Pictures taken ended up being all black.

This is the most common error and means some part of the trigger system is not working. This may be caused by several things.

  • Check that all the steps through 1 to 7 are correctly done. That is making sure the flash trigger is on, flash receiver is on, the power to flash lamp is on.
  • If the receiver or the trigger cannot be turned on or do not show anything when they are turned off and on, replace their batteries. Spare batteries were left on the table close to staircase.

Flashes are flashing but they are clearly out of sync with the camera. Pictures taken ended up being all black.

This means that trigger receiver may be running on low battery. Replace its batteries.

The camera only takes one long pic.

This really should not happen but may be caused by 3 things:

  1. While turning on the camera, somebody may have changed the settings to Auto Focus or something else.

    That wheel should always be on M.
  2. Somebody changed the settings from high speed shooting to single shooting while debugging. This would be done by EOS Utility 3 software in the computer while somebody is trying to debug the focus. The squares with a subscript H on the top right corner of the screen on the right indicates high speeding shooting. If that indicator is anything else, switch it back to highspeed shooting. 
  3. Somebody may have increased the exposure time to debug the focus using EOS Utility 3. Open Eos Utility and change the shutter speed to 1/200.

There is always an error occuring in script and camera takes shots one by one.

This should not happen in any regular case unless someone who really knows what they are doing played with the controls. This happens when the mirror lockup is turned on. Turn mirror lock up off. 


See Software Analysis of Differential Image Motion for the analysis of DIMSUM data.

Calibration (Stubbs, Jan 29, 2023)

We'd like to know the line-of-sight weighting function W(x/L) along the path from the source to the camera, for turbulence. For differential motion it vanishes at both ends, but for different reasons. At the source end, differential beam deflection does not affect the apparent position of the source, because the 'level arm' for image motion is too small. At the camera end, all rays go into the entrance pupil and so corrugations in index produces a wider PSF but no differential image motion. 
If we introduce a beam deflector and move it along the optical path, we should be able to calibrate this weighting function. A complication is that different spatial scales are sampled at different distances, and the beams increasingly overlap as you approach the lens. 

Any deflected rays need to get into the camera lens. 

If we introduce a plexiglass wedge with angle theta, what's the deflection of the emerging beam vs. theta? Index of plexiglass is 1.49, so Snell's law says sin(theta_out)=1.49*sin(theta), and so for small-angle sin()-() approximation, deflection angle is just wedge angle*0.49. 
Size of deflector area has to be at least as big as projected pupil size at that distance. Imagine a cylindrical surface on one side, flat on the other. If the surface has a radius of curvature R then y(x)=sqrt(R^2-x^2). Derivative is -2x/sqrt(...). Carrying this through to have deflection difference in two sources equal to 0.1 of their separation implies we want radius of curvature on one side to be of order 2*L, so about 20m. That assumes one side is flat, other curved. If it's a meniscus lens then we need differential curvature. 

Thought about slumping, molding, and machining plexiglass for this. It seems machining and polishing is going to be fastest and easiest. 

Polishing of acrylic:

Putting this in the beam and rotating it will produce a separation-dependent motion of sources. The tile difference is calculable. Also this leading order index perturbation, a wedge of index produces no observable differential image motion signal in our system, although it does produce common mode motion. 

Feb 5 2023. 

Crude calibration device: 

Procured the following items from Amazon: 

Motor mount holes are M3. Flange threads are 4-40. 

Placed the plexiglass disk in the oven at home at 320F, which softens it enough to bend and mould. Rolled and mushed it to introduce surface variations and index changes. 

Mounted the shaft flange onto it. 

Motor then turns it so variations move across the beam. 


1) improve set screw connection to shaft of motor. Set screw kit ordered. DONE, CWS Feb 5, 2023. 
2) drill out motor mount plate to allow mounting to a tripod, with 1/4-20 hardware. DONE, EKU, Feb 6, 2023
3) test it out in lab. For Canon 6D we can take video, and use MATLAB optical flow tools to process it. Be sure to use highest resolution video capture and ALL-I compression option. See

Lab tests:

Set up tests with an LED and a bifurcated fiber with two outputs. Tried to take videos (all-I, 24 fps) with the spinning plexiglass at various points along the path. Notes/results/observations:

  1. The plexiglass changes the location of the focus enough that you have to try to refocus, but it is very hard to tell when you are in focus. Here is a video of going through focus (note that it is a normal donut without the plexiglass: IMG_1618.MOV
  2. There is clearly less differential motion when the plexiglass is close to the camera (IMG_1619.MOV) compared to when it is far away (IMG_1620.MOV). Currently, the images are saturated, though.
  3. Here's another video with lower light level. Perhaps with enough smoothing this could work. IMG_1621.MOV

December 4-7 2023 DIMSUM upgrade. 

We are going to make three system changes: 

  1. change from mirror lens to Canon 100-400 mm lens. manual here: ef100-400f45-56lisiiusm-im-e.pdf
  2. extend spatial extent of fiber array to get a wider field. 
  3. swap out batteries with replacement DC power supplies, Lenink Adjustable adapter from

1430 Chile time Dec 4 2023:

Have changed lens and set focal length to ~300mm. Added extension bar above pegboard. "updated' python program in steps 12, 13 above did not work. The earlier version seemed to run (note it hangs in open loop, on purpose).
Tried power cycling the camera and plugging and unplugging but still getting "camera not found" gphoto2 errors. 

Fixed cable issue and got connected to camera. adjusted zoom, focus, and pointing to get to:

The metal bars hold 7 fibers each. 

In order to get a good focus I set lens to autofocus (AF), and increased exposure time to 1/10 sec or so. Did partial-button-push to engage autofocus, took and image. Then I switched the lens to manual focus (MF). 

Plan for tomorrow: 
- find DC light source and use it to focus

try different fiber couplers

replace batteries

Dec 5 2023. 

OK, had some good success working with Johnny Esteves and remote support from Elana. 

We replaced dual AA batteries on both ends of remote shutter controller with AC adapters. We connected up additional optical fibers to the vertical and horizontal bars using SMA to SMA couplers. 
After some futzing around with flash controller we got good images. Telescope structure blocks some of the upper extension bar but the horizontal one works fine. Central fiber in the bundle gets most of the light. 
WIth current setup and using autofocus tool the cores of PSFs are saturated. So we might want even more ND filtering!

Am now going to try using gphoto2 to control lens focus remotely. 

gphoto2 --list-config gives (among other things)


(base) stubbslab@auxtel-macmini03 ~ % gphoto2 --get-config manualfocusdrive

Label: Drive Canon DSLR Manual focus                                           
Readonly: 0
Current: None
Choice: 0 Near 1
Choice: 1 Near 2
Choice: 2 Near 3
Choice: 3 None
Choice: 4 Far 1
Choice: 5 Far 2
Choice: 6 Far 3

I think these are incremental adjustments around current setting. 

This seems to have worked: 

(base) stubbslab@auxtel-macmini03 ~ % gphoto2 --set-config manualfocusdrive=0   
(base) stubbslab@auxtel-macmini03 ~ % gphoto2 --set-config manualfocusdrive=1

So that should have changed things. 

Note another option to reduce flux is to reduce the aperture. That could also make focus sharper. 

(base) stubbslab@auxtel-macmini03 ~ % gphoto2 --get-config aperture        

Label: Aperture                                                                

Readonly: 0


Current: 5.6
Choice: 0 5
Choice: 1 5.6
Choice: 2 6.3
Choice: 3 7.1
Choice: 4 8
Choice: 5 9
Choice: 6 10
Choice: 7 11
Choice: 8 13
Choice: 9 14
Choice: 10 16
Choice: 11 18
Choice: 12 20
Choice: 13 22
Choice: 14 25
Choice: 15 29
Choice: 16 32
Choice: 17 36

3 am Chile Dec 6. Kicked off repeat 500 ./, along with python data xfer script. This is with stopped-down aperture. 

Thursday plan: 

check vertical extension and perhaps move it to avoid telescope obscuration

tape up red LED

  • No labels