The Browse Shelf Listing feature provides item-level call number Institution Zone browse capability from within the MD Editor for holdings information. This capability can also be accessed from the Resources > Cataloging options.
Using the Browse Shelf Listing
Choose Resource Management > Cataloging > Browse Shelf Listing; or from within the MD Editor, select Tools > Browse Shelf Listing. The following options appear:
Call Number Level
Call Number Type
Call Number
Select one of the following filtering options from the Call Number Level drop-down list:
Holdings call number – This provides holdings-level record links in the results list. This is the default option.
Alternative call number – This provides item-level record links in the results list.
Temporary call number – This provides item-level record links in the results list.
All – This option provides blended results of all the call number options in the drop-down list. Both holdings-level and item-level record links appear in the results list.
Select the call number type from the available options in the drop-down list. The call number type that you select determines how the call number information is sorted and appears (is normalized) in the shelf list. Our options include:
Library of Congress classification
Dewey Decimal classification
National Library of Medicine classification
Superintendent of Documents classification
Shelving control number
Shelved separately
Source specified in subfield $2
Source specified in subfield $2 – ZTOZ This handles call numbers using the Tozzer call number standard where the 852 has a first indicator of 7 and $2 contains ZTOZ.
The data indexed for this standard is 852 $h and $i.
Source specified in subfield $2 – ZHYL This handles call numbers using the Harvard Yenching call number standard where the 852 has a first indicator of 7 and $2 contains ZHYL.
The data indexed for this standard is 852 $h and $i.
Source specified in subfield $2 – ZHCL This handles call numbers using the Widener call number standard where the 852 has a first indicator of 7 and $2 contains ZHCL.
The data indexed for this standard is 852 $h, $i, and $c (in the order that they appear in the record).
Other Scheme
Harvard This handles call numbers using the Harvard call number standard where the 852 has a first indicator of 8.
The data indexed for this standard is 852 $h and $i.
Optionally, select a library from the Library drop-down list.
After selecting a library, you may also make your shelf list browse more granular by selecting a location from within the library.
Enter a full or partial left-aligned call number for the Call Number parameter.
Click Go.
Working with the Browse Shelf Listing Results List
The following content appears in the Browse Shelf Listing results list:
The matching entry
The rest of the entries after the matching entry
The results list is formatted with the following columns of information:
Call Number