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Individual e-books can be ordered from YBP using GOBI for several e-collections. Prior to Alma migration, for all but two e-book subaccounts, orders and e-book holdings were created manually to accommodate the single record approach and because e-book holdings could not be created using the order loader. Whiile two e-book subaccounts had their order loader turned on to load orders and invoices, they required a lot of manual clean up for every title loaded.

Best practice in Alma

Contact the Dataloads Librarian to script Import Profiles to automatically load orders and invoices for individual e-books. This can automatically add the community zone portfolio to the activation queue, or create a local portfolio when the CZ portfolio does not (yet) exist.

Day one practice in Alma

Manually create order and activate e-book, as documented below.

PLEASE NOTE: Alma uses the multiple record approach for electronic and print versions of a title. This means One time eBook orders via GOBI will have a separate bibliographic record and order from the print version in Alma.


1. Place order in GOBI

The order is placed on GOBI by a selector or acquisitions staff-member. This order will contain information on supplier/collection, number of simultaneous users and fund/budget codes, which can be used to set up the order in Alma.

2. Search for the title in Alma

Even if there is a Print/Physical bibliographic record for the title in the Institution Zone, you will need a separate record from the Community zone for the eBook.

Community Zone

Search the Community Zone by clicking on the Community tab or selecting the Community "Search Zone" from the pull down menu to the right of the search box. 

Search by title or identifier. For best results, use the Electronic portfolios search rather than the All titles or Electronic titles search.  


If you cannot locate the portfolio in Alma, consult: (insert link to additional documentation here)


3. Create order in Alma

Have in hand the name of the Electronic Collection from GOBI.


To start: click Order to the right of the title in the correct Electronic Collection. Alma now walks you through the order.


1) On the PO Line Owner and Type screen, select the following from the drop down menus:

Purchase typeElectronic Book - One Time (this is for single order e-books)

PO line owner: Choose the ordering Library

Load from template: If a template is available for this workflow, select it here. This will create significant efficiencies and eliminates several of the steps below.
Several e-book templates are available, including:

    • Baker eBook – GOBI/EBSCOhost/Baker Fund
    • Baker eBook – GOBI/eBook Central/Baker Fund
    • Gutman eBook – GOBI/eBook Central/Warren Fund
    • HKS eBook – GOBI/Taylor & Francis/Seasongood Fund
    • Law eBook – CUP/Cambridge University Press/No Fund
    • MCZ eBook – GOBI/EBSCOhost/Agassiz Fund
    • MCZ eBook – GOBI/eBook Central/Agassiz Fund
    • MCZ eBook – GOBI/eBook Central/No Fund
    • Widener eBook – GOBI/EBSCOhost/No Fund
    • Widener eBook – GOBI/Taylor & Francis/No Fund

Finally, click Create PO Line.

2) On the Purchase Order Line Details screen, if not using a template, fill in the relevant fields manually:

Vendor Information

  • Material supplier – Search for and select the vendor you are ordering from. 
    • Note that picking the correct sub-account in GOBI controls how you will be invoiced. Since these are not yet set up for automated record or invoice loads, matching shouldn’t be an issue, so it is fine to use the Yankee default account in Alma.

      • This will need to be reconsidered if this workflow is automated, and/or if you start bringing in account info with EDI invoicing.

  • Access provider – This will be the vendor who provides the Interface for the electronic collection. While Alma does not require this field, it is helpful to include for this specific workflow. Consult the translation table below as needed.
  • Activation dates – The title will appear in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List when the expected activation date arrives.  The "e-activation due after ordering" date populates with 30 (a default specified in a configuration table). For now, leave the other dates blank. 

Pricing – Enter the price.


      • Click Add Fund to open the Fund selection window
      • Search for and select the correct fund
      • Click the Add Fund button to apply fund

PO Line Details

      • Select Acquisition Method "Purchase at Vendor System"
      • Material type is not editable; it is set by the order type
      • Add Reporting Code for the type of material you are ordering (7039 for e-books)
      • Add any additional notes according to best practices

3) Once all of the information is complete, click Order Now at the top of the screen.

    • You will see a confirmation message. If there is any mandatory information missing from the POL this is where you will be notified.
    • Click Confirm to place the order.

4. Activate E-book in Alma

Once the vendor has notified you that access is available, you can activate the title in Alma.

Task List: Electronic resource activation

1) Find the title you ordered in the Electronic Resource Activation task list. From the menus, this is located under Resources > Manage Inventory > Manage Electronic Resource Activation, and may also be accessible on your Alma home page in the Task widget.

  • Listed tasks are categorized as: assigned to you, unassigned, and assigned to others.
  • Things go into unassigned at the point of order until someone touches the record (it then becomes assigned to them) or if someone goes in and assigns it.

2) Click the ellipsis to display available actions. Click Test access to see if the e-book is available. Verify that you can get through to full text at the vendor's site.

3) Once you confirm access is available, click the ellipsis and select Activate. A Confirmation Message pops up; click Confirm.

4) An Activation Feedback message pops up asking if you want to edit; click Confirm.

Electronic portfolio editor

After completing electronic resource activation and clicking Confirm, you will land on the Electronic Portfolio Editor screen. Here you can view the portfolio availability, linking information, coverage information (not usually necessary for e-books), acquisition information, notes, and history.

  1. In the Notes tab, enter the number of simultaneous users for this e-book in the Public note field, when available.

  2. Save the portfolio. You will be returned to the Electronic Resource Activation task list.

  3. Click on the ellipsis and select Done from the drop down. The task is removed from your list.
    1. Note that if the title is brand new to Alma, there is an indexing delay, so it may not be immediately available to patrons.

Activation is complete.


5. Check your work in Alma

To check your work, you can search for the title in Alma.

From the results screen, you can see the order you created, and view or test the portfolio you activated.

Translation table: GOBI e-book supplier to Alma electronic collection


GOBI e-book supplierAlma electronic collectionPOL: Access provider
EBSCOhostE-Book Collection (EBSCOhost)EBSCOUS
GOBI: Cambridge UP online
Cambridge University Press Online BooksCUP
GOBI: Oxford UPSO Title-by-Title
University Press Scholarship Online CompleteOUP
GOBI: Taylor & Francis eBooks
Taylor & Francis eBooks CompleteTAYLORFR
PROQUEST EBOOK CENTRALEbook Central Perpetual and DDA Titles
(local name: ProQuest Ebook Central)
WILEY ONLINE LIBRARYWiley Online Library Online BooksWILEY

6. Video: One time e-book ordering and activation

Ebook order and activate video class_final.mp4

Error rendering macro 'multimedia' : com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: Cannot find attachment 'Ebook order and activate video class_final.mp4'

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