Here is a list of tools used by the HSPH web and apps team for WordPress projects:
- We use Composer to manage dependencies.
- We follow the official WordPress coding standards and conventions.
- We use PHP Code Sniffer with WPCS Sniffs to enforce these standards and conventions.
- We use SASS to write modern and modular CSS code.
- We currently do not use a specific tool to enforce CSS and JS WordPress coding conventions but we might in the future.
- We use EditorConfig to maintain consistent coding styles between our different editors and IDEs.
- We use Github Actions to build and run tests on our projects.
Every new project (plugin or theme) should use and come with config files for these tools.
Other useful tools you may want to look at:
- WordPress Command Line Interface: WP CLI
- Local development environment: Laravel Homestead - HSPH Homestead Config
- Modern editors/IDE with native//plugin support for the above tools: MS Visual Code, Atom, Sublime