1. Run pick list as directed. PS task
2. Assemble job tickets and materials from Photoduplication Hold Area. PS task
3. Review job tickets and material to ensure that proper deposit instructions and metadata have been specified. Adjust as needed by calling Imaging (5x3995) with corrections. Reprint corrected job tickets if necessary to save confusion for imaging staff. PS task
4. Select appropriate template. See decision tree. TS task
5. Create spreadsheet. TS task
6. Save spreadsheet. TS task
7. Maintaining the tracking sheet with appropriate information. TS task
8. Clip job tickets and metadata spreadsheet together in the following order, top to bottom: patron order, Houghton fill-out order (as needed), Houghton order, metadata spreadsheet. Place material and paperwork on the Imaging truck and alert the Photoduplication Liaison that orders are ready for transfer to Imaging. TS task