- Created by Tricia Patterson , last modified on May 22, 2023
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Upcoming Meetings
Date/time | Reading/Media | Location |
Tuesday, May 23 2023, 1-2pm ET | Haupt, Tracee. “Why Web Archiving?: A Conversation with Web Archivists and Researchers.” The Library of Congress. The Signal, June 29, 2022. https://blogs.loc.gov/thesignal/2022/06/why-web-archiving-a-conversation-with-web-archivists-and-researchers/. Panel "#WhyWebArchiving: Preserving Internet Content for Research Use" hosted at the 2022 Web Archiving Conference. | Zoom (link to join distributed through hlcomms announcement) |
Past Meetings
Date/time | Reading/Media | Location |
Tuesday, April 25 2023, 1-2pm ET | Rieger, Oya Y., Roger C. Schonfeld, and Liam Sweeney. "The Effectiveness and Durability of Digital Preservation and Curation Systems." Ithaka S+R. Last Modified 19 July 2022. https://doi.org/10.18665/sr.316990. | Zoom |
Tuesday, March 28 2023, 1-2pm ET | Viewing: Evangelestia-Dougherty, Tamar. "Digital Ties That Bind: Effectively Engaging With Communities For Equitable Digital Preservation Ecosystems." Keynote address at iPres 2022. Link: | Zoom |
Tuesday, February 28 2023, 1-2pm ET | Wiedeman, Greg. "Designing Digital Discovery and Access Systems for Archival Description." Code4Lib Journal, January 20, 2023. Link: https://journal.code4lib.org/articles/16963 | Zoom |
Wednesday, October 26th from 12:30-1:30pm ET | No DPRC meeting for October 2022, but we invite interested colleagues to attend the NDSA-hosted community conversation on the Ithaka S+R publication, "The Effectiveness and Durability of Digital Preservation and Curation Systems." | Zoom |
Wednesday, September 28 2022, 1-2pm ET | Open discussion: What is your earliest memory of the internet? We'll share our internet memories of yore and discuss whether any of them have persisted and how. | Zoom |
Break during July/August 2022 | Harvard Recharge break | n/a |
Tuesday, June 28 2022, 1-2pm ET | Tallman, Nathan. “A 21st Century Technical Infrastructure for Digital Preservation.” ejournals.bc.edu, December 20, 2021. Link: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v40i4.13355. | Zoom |
Tuesday, May 17 2022, 1-2pm ET | Ruckstuhl, Katharina. “Trust in Scholarly Communications and Infrastructure: Indigenous Data Sovereignty.” Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, January 12, 2022. Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frma.2021.752336/full. | Zoom |
Tuesday, April 26 2022, 1-2pm ET | Clarke, Mary. “The Digital Dilemma: Preservation and the Digital Archaeological Record.” Advances in Archaeological Practice 3, no. 4 (2015): 313–30. Link: https://doi.org/10.7183/2326-3768.3.4.313. | Zoom |
Tuesday, March 29 2022, 1-2pm ET | Ogden, Jessica. “‘Everything on the Internet Can Be Saved’: Archive Team, Tumblr and the Cultural Significance of Web Archiving.” Internet Histories, 2021, pp. 1–20., Link: https://doi.org/10.1080/24701475.2021.1985835. | Zoom |
Thursday, February 24 2022, 2-3pm ET | Acker, A. "Emulation practices for software preservation in libraries, archives, and museums." J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2021; 72: 1148– 1160. Link: https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24482
| Zoom |
Tuesday, November 30 2021, 1-2pm ET | Noonan, Dan, and Matt McShane. “Digital Preservation Ethos @ University Libraries.” OSU Libraries. Ohio State University, October 19, 2021. Link: http://go.osu.edu/DigiPresEthos. | Zoom |
Tuesday, October 26 2021, 1-2pm ET | Jaillant, Lise. “After the Digital Revolution: Working with Emails and Born-Digital Records in Literary and Publishers’ Archives.” Archives and Manuscripts 47, no. 3 (2019): 285–304. Link: https://doi.org/10.1080/01576895.2019.1640555. | Zoom |
Wednesday, September 22 2021, noon - 1pm ET | Dearborn, Carly, and Sam Meister. “Failure as Process: Interrogating Disaster, Loss, and Recovery in Digital Preservation.” Alexandria 27, no. 2 (August 2017): 83–93. Link: https://doi.org/10.1177/0955749017722076. | Zoom |
Wednesday, August 25 2021, noon-1pm ET via Zoom | Boss K, Broussard M. Challenges of archiving and preserving born-digital news applications. IFLA Journal. 2017;43(2):150-157. doi:10.1177/0340035216686355 - (pages 14-21 in the linked PDF) | Zoom |
Wednesday, June 23 2021, noon-1pm ET | Wheatley, Paul. “A Valediction for Validation?” Digital Preservation Coalition, October 11, 2018. Link: https://www.dpconline.org/blog/a-valediction-for-validation | Zoom |
Wednesday, May 26 2021, noon-1pm |
| Zoom |
Wednesday, April 28 2021, noon-1pm |
| Zoom |
Wednesday, March 24 2021, noon-1pm | Burns, Julie, Laura Farley, Siobhan C. Hagan, Paul Kelly, and Lisa Warwick. “Archive This Moment D.C.: A Case Study of Participatory Collecting During COVID-19.” Code4Lib Journal, February 10, 2021. Link: https://journal.code4lib.org/articles/15534. | Zoom |
Wednesday, February 24 2021, noon-1pm | Blumenthal, Karl, Peggy Griesinger, Julia Y. Kim, Shira Peltzman, and Vicky Steeves. "What’s Wrong with Digital Stewardship: Evaluating the Organization of Digital Preservation Programs from Practitioners’ Perspectives." Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies: Vol. 7 , Article 13 (2020). | Zoom |
Wednesday, December 2 2020, noon-1pm | The Open Preservation Foundation. "2019-20 Digital Preservation Community Survey: Findings Report." Open Preservation Foundation, September 28, 2020. | Zoom |
Wednesday, October 28 2020, noon-1pm | Smithies, James, Carina Westling, Anna-Maria Sichani, Pam Mellen, and Arianna Ciula. "Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab." Digital Humanities Quarterly 13, no. 1 (2019). | Zoom |
Wednesday, September 23 2020, noon-1pm | Jules, Bergis. "Confronting Our Failure of Care Around the Legacies of Marginalized People in the Archives." Medium. November 12, 2016. (Originally a keynote speech at NDSA DigiPres 2016.) | Zoom |
Wednesday, August 26 2020, noon-1pm | Web, Colin, David Pearson, and Paul Koerben. "'Oh, You Wanted Us to Preserve That?!' Statements of Preservation Intent for the National Library of Australias Digital Collections." D-Lib Magazine 19, no. 1/2 (January 2013). | Zoom |
Wednesday, July 29 2020, noon-1pm | Caswell, Michelle. "Whose Digital Preservation? Locating Our Standpoints to Reallocate Resources." Keynote presentation given in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2019. | Zoom |
Wednesday, June 24 2020, noon-1pm | The Information Maintainers, Olson, D., Meyerson, J., Parsons, M. A., Castro, J., Lassere, M., … Acker, A. "Information Maintenance as a Practice of Care." Zenodo, June 17 2019. | Zoom |
Wednesday, May 27 2020, noon-1pm | Ziegler, S.L. "Digitization Selection Criteria as Anti-Racist Action." Code4Lib, Issue 45: August 9, 2019. | Zoom |
Wednesday, April 29 2020, noon-1pm | Tallman, Nathan and Lauren Work. "Approaching Appraisal: Guidelines and Criteria to Select for Digital Preservation." OSF. iPRES, October 2018. | Zoom |
Thursday, March 26 2020, noon-1pm | RESCHEDULED | n/a |
Wednesday, February 26 2020, noon-1pm | Adair, Ashley, Maria Esteva, and Benn Chang. “Early Exit Strategies in Digital Preservation.” OSF. iPRES, September 27, 2019. | Widener 145 |
Wednesday, January 29 2020, noon-1pm | Pendergrass, Keith L., Walker Sampson, Tessa Walsh, and Laura Alagna. “Toward Environmentally Sustainable Digital Preservation.” The American Archivist 82, no. 1 (March 2019): 165–206. | Widener 145 |
Thursday, November 7 2019, noon-1pm | Gallinger, Michelle, Jefferson Bailey, Karen Cariani, Trevor Owens, and Micah Altman. “Trends in Digital Preservation Capacity and Practice: Results from the 2nd Bi-Annual National Digital Stewardship Alliance Storage Survey.” D-Lib Magazine 23, no. 7/8 (July 2017). | 90 Mt Auburn, Room 021 |
Thursday, November 29 2018, 4-5pm | Rieger, Oya Y. "The State of Digital Preservation in 2018: A Snapshot of Challenges and Gaps." Ithaka S+R. Last Modified 29 October 2018. | 90 Mt Auburn, Room 021 |
The Harvard Library Digital Preservation Reading Club is an informal, monthly gathering of colleagues interested in discussing trends and topics relevant to digital preservation. Reading selections are generally brief enough to be casually read, such as scholarly papers, long-form blog posts, or even chapters from publications. Participation is open to the Harvard community, and each month attendees are asked to come prepared for a discussion on that month's reading selection.
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