Info |
All data sources are converted from their original metadata schema into "Primo Normalized XML" or PNX records during ingest into HOLLIS. This page summarizes which data elements are used from each Harvard data source and how they are handled for the purposes of display, indexing, and faceting. |
PNX search element | Description | MARC elements | VIA elements | FGDC | PCI | Note | ||
creatorcontrib | Creator / contributor (author, added authors) | 100 a,b,c,d,e,j,q,u, 4 245 c | creator/[nameElement|dates] + alternativeTerm
+ alternativeTerm
| |||||
title | title | 245 a,b,d,e,f,g,k,n,p 222 a (July 2024) | title/textElement | |||||
alttitle | alternative title | 130 | this element is also searched during title search | |||||
addtitle | additional title | 100 t,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s 800 t... 811 t,f,h,k,l,n,p,s | this element is also searched during title search | |||||
description | summary | 520 917 $a | ||||||
subject | subject | 600 610 611 630 648 650 651 653 654 (all indicators included) | topic/term subjectPlace/place subjectName/nameElement|dates | |||||
general | keyword | 010 017 034 074 088 255 262 336 337 338 380 381 383 384 386 388 340-348 - all alpha subfields 500 502 504 505 508 510 511 514 518 520 532 534 536 538a 545 546 552 555 565 586 588 996 (from hol 541) 997 (from hol 561) 562 (from hol) 563 (from bib or hol) |
| also includes all other search elements | ||||
recordid | record id | |||||||
isbn | ISBN | 020 a z | ||||||
issn | ISSN | 022 a z m l y | ||||||
toc | table of contents | 505 a | ||||||
rsrctype | resource type | copied from display/type | ||||||
creationdate | 008/007-010 | |||||||
startdate | 008/007-010 | structuredDate/beginDate | ||||||
enddate | 008/011-014 | structuredDate/endDate | ||||||
recordtype | ||||||||
searchscope | ||||||||
scope | ||||||||
lsr01 | HOLLIS number | 001 (excl. hyphen and check digit) | viaRecord/recordId | EAD ID | MARC 001 is indexed with and without leading zeros | |||
lsr02 | OCLC # | |||||||
lsr03 | ||||||||
lsr04 | publisher | production/producer | ||||||
lsr05 | publisher place | 260 ae ; 261 f ; 262 a ; 264 a ; 752 abcd | production/placeOfProduction/place | |||||
lsr06 | bookplate | |||||||
lsr07 | music pub. no | 028 ab | ||||||
lsr23 | culture | culture/term | ||||||
lsr26 | repository name | repository/repositoryName hvd_repository/repositoryName index should contain all repos at all levels | ||||||
lds30 - lds39 reserved for linking (matches to lsr30-lsr39) | ||||||||
lsr30 | form/genre | Subfield v from 6XX fields (regardless of indicators): 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 690-695 Value of "microform" added when 008/23=a/b/c or 007/00=h or 852a=MIC | workType | |||||
lsr31 | place | 751, 752 662 370 cfg | title[@site='Y']/textElement | /idinfo/keywords/place/placekey | ||||
lsr32 | MeSH | |||||||
lsr36 | HGL layers ViA contexts | hasLargerContext/ largerContextFor/part/partId | ||||||
lsr38 | series index | 490/0 Also, if bib is a monographic series (LDR/07=s AND 008/21=m), then also: 245anp | ||||||
lsr39 | database subject category | 916 | ||||||
(if any field beyond this are added to Adv search need to also update search engine config - see Salesforce case 00211668 | ||||||||
lsr40 | lang code | 008 | ||||||
lsr41 | lib+coll | AVA bc (from 852 bc except when item is temp loc'd then temp loc is used) | ||||||
lsr42 | place of pub MARC code | 008 | ||||||
lsr43 | special local call number index | 852/8 or 7 w/zhcl,ztox,zhyl | ||||||
lsr44 | lang code for subtitles + accessibility | 041 j, pqrt | ||||||
lsr45 | medium of performance (instrumentation) | 382 | ||||||
lsr46 | audience characteristics | 385 3ma 521 3ab see also footnote on visual disabilities |
Material for people with visual disabilities
Add 'Audience' 385 display field in Primo: "People with visual disabilities" for resources with any of the parameters below.
The term "People with visual disabilities" is also indexed in lsr46 (Audience).
007/00 = f
008/23 = f (only for bibliography types a, t, p, c, d, m, i, j
008/29 = f (only for bibliography types e, f, g)
041 $q is present
341 $d is present
Braille music notation AND resource type score
Music for the blind AND resource type score
Maps for the blind AND resource type maps
655 0
Braille music notation
Music for the blind
Large type books
Maps for the blind
Large print books
655 7
Talking books
Braille books
Braille periodicals
Cartographic materials for people with visual disabilities
Television programs for people with visual disabilities
Video recordings for people with visual disabilities
Films for people with visual disabilities
Large print books
There was a deliberate decision not to include Audiobooks - might be too encompassing