Houghton Reading Room and HD Serials:
Until the 2018-2020 renovation, Houghton Reading Room has had three serials rotated to reflect the three most current years. All Reading Room copies are assigned Library of Congress call numbers. When new serials come in, the Bibliographic Assistant will update holdings and item records, give the items to end-processing for spine labels and barcodes only, and upon completion, shelve them in the Reading Room. The Bibliographic Assistant is also responsible for removing older years for placement in the Houghton stacks. Any front matter and binding received with a new issue should be stored in the Bibliographic FileThese titles are now all stored in Houghton stacks, under the LC call number of the journal. These items do not require Technical Services Aeon slips for tracking during processing; they remain in Acquisitions & End-Processing until shelved by the Bibliographic Assistant.:
- The Library
- The Book Collector
- Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
- This serial has a supplement titled The Bibliographical Society of America: List of Members and Annual Reports. This list used to be included in the December issue, but is now published as a supplement. Include it with the rest of the issues for that year.
- Houghton has 3 active holdings: HOU-RR, HOU-GEN (we have one HRef copy for v.79:3), and HOU-HOULC (destination of all copies after they are no longer 3 years current). Use only HOU-RR and HOU-HOULC.