- Auto-increment new batch directory names. (Unselected by default.) When selected, if you create a batch directory name that ends with a number, the next time you click Batch->New … Batch Builder will use the same directory name but will increment the number to the next value.
Ignore file validation errors. (Unelected by default.) When selected, this option forces Batch Builder to create a batch even when the FITS tool has detected errors in one or more files in the batch. Even if BatchBuilder is set to ignore the errors, DRS may reject the batch on ingest if there is an invalid file, such as an invalid JP2 image file.
- Open last project on application startup. (Unselected by default.) When selected, on Batch Builder startup the most recently used project will open automatically.
- Verbose logging. (Selected by default.) This option is exposed specifically for testing purposes. Leave it checked during this testing phase so that LTS staff can troubleshoot Batch Builder processing errors.
Delete object and directory contents when removing. (Unselected by default). If this option is checked, the object and directory contents are removed from disk when removed from within BB. This applies to Template directories as well. When this option is not selected, directories will remain on your local computer, but will disappear from the BB project window.
- Copy files when dragging and dropping onto project tree. (Selected by default). Batch Builder 2 introduces drag-and-drop functionality for files. If this option is checked, when files are dragged and dropped from a directory on disk onto a file directory in the BB Project Panel the files are copied rather than moved.
- Use full file name (minus the extension) as file OSN – results in full file name being used as OSN.
For all objects, except PDS Document objects this accomplishes the following:
- When building objects automatically – this option captures the full file name, including the object name prefix, as file OSN. (e.g.: obj1- -file1.jpg will result in file OSN “obj1- -file1”.)
- When building objects manually - this option, when set, captures the full file name, including the page sequence number, as file OSN. (e.g: file1_ seq1.jpg will result in file OSN file1 _seq1.)
Use baseName as file OSN – this option results in Batch Builder using file base name, excluding the object name prefix, as the file OSN. Don't use this option for PDS Objects if the file basename is the same for all the files and only the sequence number is different.
For all objects, except PDS Document objects, this accomplishes the following:
- When building objects automatically – this option captures the file base name, discarding the object name prefix, as file OSN. (e.g.: obj1- -file1.jpg will result in file OSN "file1". )
- For PDS Document objects
- Do not use.
Use baseName_ _pageSeq as file OSN – this option results in Batch Builder using file base name and page sequence suffix – if present, but excluding the object name prefix, as the file OSN
- For all objects, except PDS Document objects, this accomplishes the following: