Batch Builder User Guide

Batch Builder User Guide

This Guide describes how to create and process objects for the New DRS (DRS 2) using Batch Builder 2 – a Java desktop application that creates a DRS 2 batch deposit.

The objects belonging to the following DRS 2 Content Models are supported by this version of Batch Builder 2:

This software is intended for use with the New DRS (DRS 2). DRS 1 batches cannot be created using this software.

Need Help?

To report a problem or ask a question about Batch Builder 2, please contact the LTS Support team: https://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.OIS:drshelp. If you are reporting a problem, please provide a detailed description of the problem and a copy of the Batch Builder error or warning messages.

Batch Builder is developed and supported by HUIT Library Technology Services (LTS). 

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