Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

When there are born digital photographs or digital A/V material in a collection, be aware that their treatment needs to be in consult with Joanne Donovan, the Audiovisual/Photograph Archivist. It may be that the digital photos and A/V in a collection have been recognized as such and already in Joanne's possession. It may also be possible that they are stored with other born digital material in files managed by Jen Weintraub. Consult Generally, if you find the material with other born digital files, you can go ahead and work with it and then Jen W. will transfer it to Joanne for inclusion in her databases and for DRS deposit.

If you have questions, consult with Joanne, Jen, and your team lead about how best to process, describe, and provide access to these files.


As with all born digital material, add another extent line for electronic files

      EXAMPLE: 363.25 13 linear feet (86 7 + 1/2 file boxes, 1 card file box)

                          xx megabytes (4                          65.325 Megabytes (15 files)


  • In file unit descriptions, use “E” as the container followed by a file unit number


                          xx megabytes Megabytes (4 files)


Digital A/V should be listed at the item level (as we do with analog) and description should follow this format:


                          From Sister Soldier Project Records


                         Example TK from Robin Kilson Papers


In the added entries include the term "Digital moving image formats" if you have digital video files.


Questions on terminology, description, and restriction issues can be worked out with your team lead and Joanne.