The work flow will take this shape:
- As part of the research on a collectionOftentimes the donor agreement will list the donor's website for archiving. If a website is not listed for archiving in the deed of gift or purchase agreement and the site is not mentioned in the correspondence file, the processor searches for a web site for the person or organization. If the processor finds a web site he or she will contact Kathy Jacob about requesting permission to archive the site or will contact the donor directly for permission.
- If a web site is found and will be archived, the processor checks WAX Tracker to see if web the site is already being captured .
- If a web site exists but in Archive-It: https://archive-it.org/collections/8237.
- If the web site isn't in WAX TrackerArchive-It, the processor:
- Sends web site URL and contact information for donor (preferably an email address) to Laura Peimer to begin capture/harvest harvesting of site.
- Discusses scope and frequency of harvest with Laura Peimer (domain, sub-domain, domain plus one / monthly, annually, etc.)
- At this point, the processor should be able to tell Laura whether the site needs a one-time capture or if it should be harvested annually or bi-annually and if there's anything particularly important on the site that we should ensure the Archive-It crawler captures.
- If a web site is already being captured, the processor will add the following to the finding aid (see Sonia Fuentes for example: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch01256):
- In the quantity, include: “electronic records”