Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Print, Photocopy, and Distribute Copies of the Finding Aid

*Please note that the total number of finding aids that are require to be printed has changed. It is now only necessary to print two copies to be housed in the Library; this is in addition to whatever you are sending to the donor.



  • Right click in main frame of finding aid
  • Select "This frame," then "Save frame as" and save it to desktop using the extension ".doc"
  • Close Firefox
  • Open document from desktop (it should open as a Word document)


Public Services, which houses finding aids in spring binders, will need one copy with 2" left margins; the remaining copy will have one inch or 0.75 inch margins. This necessitates formatting the document twice, as described below.


To format for Public Services:


  • Click on the "Page Layout" tab
  • Click on "Margins" button
  • Select "Custom Margins" (last option)
  • Change left margin to 2”
  • Change top, bottom, and right margins to 1
  • Click "OK"


  • Click on the "Insert" tab
  • Select the "Header" tab
  • Select Blank (first option)
  • Scroll down to second page of the document and click "Header" button
  • Select "edit header" (near bottom of options)
  • The "Design" tab should be open with "options" available; select "Check Different First Page"
  • Select "Insert Alignment tab"
  • Select Right and click OK
  • Click on Page Number ("header & footer" tab, far left)
  • Select "Top of Page"
  • Select "Plain Number 3" (the number 2 should appear in the header field)
  • With cursor in place before the "2," type collection information. For example:


Boomer Kennedy [return]

MC [space] 508/Page [space] #2


  • Close Header Tab
  • Print document (single sided)
  • Present this copy to Public Services. Consult with the Head of Public Services (Ellen Shea) and arrange a time to deliver the finding aid and meet briefly to discuss the collection.


To format for Manuscript Department, donor, and self (reformat the document with one inch or less margins all around):


Go to Page Layout

Click on Margins (under page layout tab)

Select Normal (for 1” margins all around)

Print ONE copy, printing on both sides of the paper, if your printer allows. Then, using the photocopier’s double-sided option, make one additional copy if you are sending the entire finding aid to the donor (two if you'd like to retain a hardcopy for yourself).


Distribute the copies as follows:


When your finding aid has been posted online, please print a copy for the department's control files.

  • Open the finding aid in Hollis for Archival Discovery
  • Click "View PDF" button in the top left corner
  • Open PDF in Adobe Acrobat
  • The PDF will open; it has a title page, page headers, and numbered pages already.
  • Print a copy (double sided please)
  • File this copy in the Manuscript Department's files in three-drawer lateral cabinet outside 420. Each finding aid receives its own folder and is filed alphabetically by collection name; the MC number is listed on the left side of the folder tab, with the collection name in the middle (e.g.: MC 468      Fisher, MFK;  or 2005-M96    National Organization for Women).Send one

Should you need to send a hard copy to the donor, you can also do that (see Communicating with donors)


 As of July 2018, we will no longer print finding aid copies for Research Services binders.