- Create one estimate for the patron.
- Select the correct number of patron scans.
- For the studio scans, go to IS: Special: Digi Capture, tab over to next field and select Digital Capture (oversize/foldout), then tab to Quantity and change if necessary. Tab to end to complete.
- If there are more than 5 items in the order to be scanned at the studio, give the material to the Reproductions Coordinator for pricing. If a reduced price is granted, note price and grantor in the Special Comments field.
- Flag the material that will be scanned separately at the studio, but do not remove loose material. Only in the case of a rush will loose material be removed. (Material will always first go to the lab and then be transferred to the studio.)
- Place the item with the estimate together on the shelf.
Example of language to include in communication with patrons:
Please find attached your estimate. The majority of the material in your order can be processed as reference scans through our lowest cost workflow; however, due to the condition of some items, a different imaging process is required. .