- Log into ArchivesSpace
- Click "Create" from the top left menu and select "Digital Object"
- Fill in the following fields:
- Basic Information
- Title - Copy the exact title from the item record for which you are creating a digital object
- Identifier - Copy the identifier from the item record for which you are creating a digital object, adding the suffix "d"
- Publish - Click this box for materials that are not marked for restriction. Most Houghton digital objects can be published, but some have rights issues that require them left unpublished. This should be marked on the order tracking sheet.
- File Versions
- File URI - Copy in the URN created by running the DRS report through the DRS conversion template (DRS report instructions here)
- XLink Actuate Attribute - Select "OnRequest"
- XLink Show Attribute - Select "new"
- Publish - Click this box for materials that are not marked for restriction. Most Houghton digital objects can be published, but some have rights issues that require them left unpublished. This should be marked on the order tracking sheet.
- Basic Information
- At the bottom of the page, select "Save Digital Object"
- Run DRS report through the DRS conversion template (DRS report instructions here)
- Copy the data created in columns A-I
- Open the ArchivesSpace Digital Object Importing Template (H:\Imaging_and_Houghton\spreadsheets 2018-2019\Templates and Labels\aspace_import_excel_DO_template.xlsx)
- Paste data copied from DRS conversion template into cell C6
- Mark cells in column H "True" for publishable materials, and "False" for restricted materials
- Save spreadsheet using the EAD ID (data in column C) as new name
- Log into ArchivesSpace
- Search for collection using EAD ID, i.e "hou02015"
- Select the "edit" button on the search result for the correct collection
- Select "Load via Spreadsheet" in the third menu from the top of the collection edit page
- Click the "+Select File" button and select the spreadsheet saved with the EAD ID of the collection
- Select the "Add Digital Objects to Archival Objects" button and then the "Import from Spreadsheet" button