indicators: undefined, leave blank
subfields: $$k - Reporting subfield
punctuation: All fields end with no punctuation.
$$k Reporting subfield
We use only subfield $$k. This consists of a string of 8 characters. If you are enhancing an accessions record already started, then bytes 1-3 will already be filled in, e.g. “A11” (or whatever the fiscal year is). You should then alter only bytes 4-8:
byte 4 C (‘cataloged’)
bytes 7-8 your initials (you may be replacing some existing initials with your own)
example: H09
H09 __ $$k A11C13sw
If you are making a fresh holdings record, then leave bytes 1-3 blank fill the first 3 bytes with fill characters (^^^).
H09 $$k ^^^C13sw