- All items will be marked with a Statistics Note 2 with designation of "committed to retain - ReCAP". Additional commitments for same items would be added in same field separated by a comma ("committed to retain - ReCAP, Hathi)".
- All holdings where at least one item is committed must have an 853 583 field designating the term of the commitment.
- Required coding:
- First Indicator - 1 - Not Private
- Second Indicator - # - Undefined
- $a - Action (NR) - constant text: committed to retain
- $c - Time/date of action (R) - date of the commitment
- $d - Action interval (R) - constant text: indefinite
- $f - Authorization (R) - name of the collaborative agreement
- $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR) - constant text: HUL
- Example 583 for ReCAP Shared Collection
- Required coding:
Open Questions
- Is the retention byte (008/12) going to be updated also?
- Are the ReCAP commitment for specific items owned at that time, or are new acquisitions (such as subsequently received issues of the same journal) also going to be committed?
- Whose responsibility is it to develop/document/communicate policies and workflows on manual creation, maintenance, etc to make sure conflicts in coding don’t develop in future?
- Is there contention between previously entered 583 fields and current fields? This needs analysis once records have been updated.
- Are there other retention commitment scenarios, shared or local, that we need to accommodate in our use of these item and holdings fields?
- What is the intended workflow for items that are marked lost or missing? Do these need to be sent to collection development staff?
- Is work on this a higher priority than Google scanning processing or the creation of the metadata file for Ivies Plus?