LTS tracking ID: SCANVAS-1017
- Viewer sometimes uses dimensions from wrong image when there are multiple images per page
If the pages of a PDS object have more than one image per page each with different dimensions, the Viewer may select the wrong set of dimensions for display. For instance, take an object has an uncropped archival image as well as a cropped delivery image. If the uncropped archival images is 15 inches high by 25 inches wide, but the cropped images are 11 inches high by 9 inches wide, the thumbnails and page images in the Viewer may use the 15X25 dimensions. The thumbnails will be the wrong orientation, and the page images, while usable, will be zoomed in to an unusual amount.
LTS tracking ID: SCANVAS-1015
DRS2 WebAdmin
- Downloading objects from DRS doesn't always work