- All Alma item records must be marked with a Statistics Note 2 with designation of "committed to retain - ReCAP". Additional Additional commitments for same items will be added in same field separated by a comma ("committed to retain - ReCAP, Hathi)".
- All Alma holding records where at least one item is committed must have an 583 field designating the term of the commitment.
Required coding:
- First Indicator - 1 - Not Private
- Second Indicator - # - Undefined
- $a - Action (NR) - constant text: committed to retain
- $c - Time/date of action (R) - date of the commitment
- $d - Action interval (R) - constant text: in perpetuity
- $f - Authorization (R) - name of the collaborative agreement
- $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR) - constant text: HUL
Example 583 for ReCAP Shared Collection
583 1# $a committed to retain $c 20181001 $d in perpetuity $f ReCAP Shared Collection $5 HUL
All Alma holding records where at least one item is committed must have an 008/12 marked as 8 (permanent retention).
Pilot Project - Marking Records with ReCap Shared Collection Commitments
- Create itemized sets of items in Alma using spreadsheet data provided by Jim Hodgson as input. - December 2018 (Complete)
- Update items identified for retention with a note in Statistics Note 2. December 2018 - January 2018 2019 (Complete. LTS reviewing errors with Harvard Library Team.)
- Apply a norm rule to add the 583 holdings linked to items in the set. Norm rule will first check that an 583 $f ReCAP Shared Collection is not present already. - January 2018 2019 - February 2018 2019 (Planning Underway).
Item Counts by Library
- Staff should not remove markings that indicate that an item has a retention commitment (currently Item Statistic Note 2 and 583 field.
- Staff should always check items for retention commitment marking in item record and should not withdraw items from the collection that are marked at as committed to retain.
- Workflow documentation will be provided in coming months for cases in which a withdrawing a previously committed item is required (lost or damaged items).
- Workflow documentation will be provided in coming months for marking item data and holdings 583 notes (including, potentially, $3) when new commitments are made.