A user must be cleared to be signed into a reading room. Once a user is cleared, click on the Sign User In button on the Home ribbon and select the appropriate reading room from the dropdown menu.
A user who is signed in can be set to Away if she temporarily leaves the reading room and her materials have not been returned. To set a user's status to Away, right click the user's record in the Signed In Users group and select the Set to Away option. To remove the Away status, right click on the user record and select the Clear Away Status option. Setting a user to Away keeps her reading room visit open and does not affect her reading room history.
You can also set Aeon to display a clock icon over any who's status is Away. Click on the Aeon icon, click the Options button, and check the Show away icon on user image checkbox.
To sign a user out, right click the user's record in the Signed In Users group and select the Sign Out User option. You can also open the User's record and click the Sign User Out button on the Home ribbon.
If you sign a user out while materials are still checked out, you will get an error message. In general, materials should be checked in before the user is signed out.