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Completed DateRecord TypeTaskSystemPhaseWho

CommunicationLibrary should contact all department (LTS, HL ITS, local ITS) to inform them of upcoming library consolidation and confirm dedicated point people from each department to serve as stakeholders.EmailPlanningLibrary
11/18/2019CommunicationLTS will create wiki page for project that tracks all mapping information, timelines, and decision points and share with the stakeholders.EmailPlanningLTS
10/15/2019Alma Orders - AnalysisConfirm if the Acq Library used to purchase for the unit needs to be updated to a different POL Owner. This can be found in the Alma Config relationships table (acquire for relationship).AlmaPlanningLTS
10/15/2019Alma Configuration- new locations
  • Add new physical locations
  • Make sure locations are associated with appropriate circ desk and fulfillment units
NAAlma FundsIf the POL Owner is changing, add new POL Owner to Available for in Ledger, Summary Funds, and Allocated Funds.AlmaPlanningHLF
NAAlma Logins

If the POL Owner is changing, have liaison submit login request forms. Update ordering/receiving permissions for Alma Logins.


Import Profiles

If the POL Owner is changing, confirm point person with ITS and determine amount of lead time needed.

Verify that any other profiles aren't mapping to the old Library that's being removed.

AlmaPlanningITS - Check GOBI profiles for POE mapping
11/18/2019PlanningCreate a schedule for records update.AlmaPlanningLTS, with input from stakeholders


Communicate with Aeon administrator regarding new locations and old location removal.



Communicate with Resource Sharing regarding new locations and old location removal.



If holdings were scanned under separate Owner/Billing Code, confirm with library if it would be administratively beneficial to merge into ongoing separate Owner/Billing Code.

DRSPlanningLTS-DRS team

OCLCTBD - Allison will update when new data sync process in place.OCLCPlanningLTS

Marc Org CodesTBD - Robin confirming with LoC.LCPlanningLTS

PortalCommunicate to Portal/Communications team to allow them to plan for removing pages/references to former library.PortalPlanningLibrary

Remote StorageLibrary should contact HD/RD to inform depositories about library name change. HD should determine if owner code and/or mapping changes are necessary.GFA LASPlanningLibrary

CommunicationNotification to HL-Comms about upcoming changeHL-CommsPlanningLibrary

Import Profiles

If the POL Owner is changing, update EOD import profiles to new POL Owner. Change any default inventory values/location mapping that reference old library, if necessary.

AlmaImplementationITS or LTS depending on who maintains the profile.

Alma Holdings
  • Update the Library & Location based on mapping per Library preferences
    • Run a norm rule on the holdings to change the 852 $b and $c

Alma Items
  • Update any item policies

Alma Items
  • Run a report to see if there are any items whose temporary location is one of the locations being removed. If temp locs are in use, items will need to be mapped to newi'm corresponding temp loc using change items job.

Alma Orders - ClosedRemediation only necessary if trying to completely remove library from Alma.AlmaImplementationLTS

Alma Orders - OpenIf POL owner will change, update the open orders to new POL owner. A job with POL number as the input can be run to do this. You cannot do a search in Alma by POL owner, so search should be run in Analytics.AlmaImplementationLTS

Alma Invoices -In ProcessDelete any remaining in process invoices that were not closed prior to implementation based on a report of in process invoices that has been reviewed by the Library.AlmaImplementationLTS

CommunicationNotification to HL-Comms that the records have been updatedHL-CommsPostLibrary

Alma LoginsRemove ordering/receiving permissions from logins for old libraryAlmaPostLTS

Alma FundsIf the POL Owner is changing, remove POL Owner from Available for in Ledger, Summary Funds, and Allocated Funds.AlmaPostHLF

Alma Configuration-cleanup
  • Opening hours
  • Relationships table
  • Circ desks
  • Any library-specific workorders
  • Printers
  • Any library-specific Terms of Use
  • Remove old physical locations

Alma Analytics
  • Remind Libraries to change reports
  • Look for scheduled reports on closing sublibrary code


Remove configuration for old library; update new library settings if needed

  • Remove entry in institutional library list
  • Remove entry in library scope

PortalRemove any pages.PortalPostPortal Team

Borrow Direct

Ask BD support to

  • remove any old mappings and turn on any additional locations as needed
  • remove any closed libraries as pickup locations
Borrow DirectPostLTS


Remove Old pickup locations ILLiad webforms if needed.

ILLiadPostResource Sharing

  • If the new locations are Aeon-eligible, Aeon administration needs to enable them in Aeon.
  • Update the wiki page for Aeon-eligible locations
AeonPostAeon team

Remote StorageHD/RD should update LAS with necessary changes.LASPostHD/ReCAP

LTS wiki page updates
  • Alma Login Liaisons Page
  • Library names and codes in Alma

LibraryCloudRemove the old values from the RepositoryNameMapping.xml tableĀ LibraryCloudPostLTS

DRSMerge past Owner/Billing code to into ongoing separate Owner/Billing Code.DRSPostLTS-DRS team

Local wiki page updatesUpdate local documentation as neededWikiPostAll stakeholders
