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Table of Contents


Owning LibraryNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Biblioteca Berenson4

Botany Arnold (Cambridge)2

Countway Medicine7

Fine Arts Library11
recommendation is to withdraw-LH
Frances Loeb Library2
recommendation is to withdraw-LH
Fung Library9

Harvard Law School Library24

Harvard Yenching Library1Item created in 2001
Littauer1Item created in 2004
Tozzer9Latest item created in 2015recommendation is to withdraw-LH
Widener Library6


Loker Reference Collection 1
Offsite storage (HD) 2

recommendation is to withdraw-LH

Process Status NA (Not Arrived)


POL OwnerNumber of ItemsActive POLsNotesTSWG Comments
Biblioteca Berenson30

Botany Gray Herbarium10

Dumbarton Oaks132

Harvard Yenching Library40

ITS 625 Acquisitions111

10 were cancelled or closed POLs

  • withdrew all the items except 8427461 and 9193051 which have receipt dates: not yet cataloged: change to CAtaloging work order?
  • dab ask AD: MMS ID 990129825210203941 only has a Net Colin Colin hldg, delete bib?

1 was active, with barcode 32044052488699: on a suppressed Design hldg, someone's office copy: how should we code this item or should we withdraw it?

ITS at Langdell20


Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)30

Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)190

