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During the pandemic, providing access to these materials has not been possible.  The Archives believes that Alma-D is a good solution to allow controlled digital access for students seeking to virtually access recent theses and prize papers. In partnership with Lee LaFleur, Director of Learning and Teaching Services for the Harvard College Libraries, the Archives would like to load the digital content and provide access to patrons via Alma D in time for the Spring 2021 semester that begins on January 25th, 2021.

Project Leads

Library Lead - Robin McElheny

Library Team - Ross Mulcare, Kate Bowers, Lee LaFleur

LTS Lead - Corinna Baksik


LTS/Unit meet to review request and verify pilot project.
Completed DateRecord TypeTaskSystemPhaseWho
PlanningCommunicationLibrary should contact all department (LTS, HL ITS, local TS) to inform them of upcoming library consolidation and confirm dedicated point people from each department to serve as stakeholders.EmailPlanningLibrary11/18/2019Communication
10/22/2020Library submits project request.Alma Support CenterPlanningLibrary
10/29/2020LTS/Library will meet to review request and verify project meets pilot criteria.ZoomPlanningLibrary/LTS
12/9/2020LTS will create wiki page for project that tracks all mapping information, timelines, and decision points and share with the stakeholders.EmailPlanningLTS
TaskWhoUnit Submits project request via Alma Support Center.
12/8/2020Library will provide configuration information for the service in the project request ticket.Alma Support CenterPlanning


11/25/2020Library will provide Alma login forms for staff who will create/update Alma recordsAlma Support CenterPlanningLibrary

Update Alma sandbox loginsAlmaTestingLibrary

Update Alma configuration

Import Profiles

If the POL Owner is changing, update EOD import profiles to new POL Owner. Change any default inventory values/location mapping that reference old library, if necessary.

AlmaImplementationITS or LTS depending on who maintains the profile.
Alma Holdings
  • Update the Library & Location based on mapping per Library preferences
  • Creation of new locations as necessary for mapping
  • Run a norm rule on the holdings to change the 852 $b and $c
Alma Items
  • Update any item policies
  • Run a report to see if there are any items whose temporary location is one of the locations being removed. If temp locs are in use, items will need to be mapped to newi'm corresponding temp loc using change items job.