

Alma-D Documentation Topics

About Alma-D

Alma-D is a digitized content description and controlled access system, maintained by Ex Libris, that provides non-preservation cloud-based digitized object storage and controlled access for Harvard Digitized Content:

  • Digitized content used for course reserves
  • Digitized content for special collections access

Harvard Library and LTS are currently offering Alma-D file staging as a free pilot service through FY22 to libraries and library-associated units.

Workflows for using Alma-D

Request a new Alma-D collection for your department/repository

  1. Submit a request to LTS Support with the following information:
    1. Library/repository unit name
    2. Business owner (this individual is responsible for content/data-related decisions and approving staff access permissions)
    3. Brief description of how you plan to use this Alma-D 
  2. LTS assesses the request and responds with any questions/comments.
  3. LTS creates the Alma-D Collection.

Request/add user access permissions for Alma-D 

  1. Alma Liaison completes Alma Login Request form (to be created) and submits it to LTS Support.
  2. LTS Support creates/adds Alma-D permisions to the user account and notifies Alma Liaison.
  3. User accesses Alma by HarvardKey login.

Log In to Alma-D

See Also

NextCloud File Staging (non-delivery temporary file storage)

DRS & Delivery Services (preservation-quality long term file storage and delivery)


Ask questions, request services, and get support.

Existing Alma-D Projects 

ProjectLibrary UnitBusiness Owner / LiaisonStatus
Digital ReservesHarvard Library Access ServicesSpruill HarderProduction

University Archives Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Prize Papers

University ArchivesRobin McElhenyProduction
HFA 16mmHarvard Film ArchiveAmy SloperAnalysis
HGSE Digital ReservesHGSECarol KentnerAnalysis
HKS Digital ReservesHKSChristina SiroisAnalysis