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Field NameDescriptionData typeNotes on Usage
Number of Aleph Loans - AllCount of loans on items that circulated in Aleph. Includes loans on items migrated to Alma and items that were withdrawn prior to Alma migration. Includes patron and pseudopatron loans
for all
.IntegerThese measures cannot be used in conjunction with measures for 'Alma migrated' items, or in conjunction with data in Alma Items, Alma Holdings or Alma Bibs. Use these measures with fields from Aleph Circulation History table only.
Number of Aleph Items Loaned - AllCount of the number of unique items that circulated in Aleph.  Includes items migrated to Alma and items that were withdrawn prior to Alma migration. Includes items loaned to patrons and pseudopatron loans.Integer
Number of Aleph Loans - Alma migrated onlyCount of loans on items that circulated in Aleph and were migrated to Alma. Includes patron and pseudopatron loans.IntegerThese measures can be used with any other fields except 'Aleph - All' measures.
Number of Aleph Items Loaned - Alma migrated onlyCount of the number of unique items that circulated in Aleph and were migrated to Alma. Includes patron and pseudopatron loans. Integer
Alma User Group CodeLook-up table that maps Aleph Patron Status
Patron TypeDue Date
to Alma User Group Code and Alma User Group Description.TextLink to Alma User group documentation
Alma User Group Description
Due Date
Item Status CodeLoan policy codeTextItem Status code definitions were not standardized in Aleph. Some libraries may have defined the same code differently. Include Sublibrary in a report of Aleph loan statistics to get correct counts by Item Status code.
Item Status DescriptionLoan policy descriptionText
Item Process Status CodeItem process Status Codes, e.g., HD, MI, MS Text
Item Process Status DescriptionItem Process Status Description. e.g, Harvard Depository, MIssing, LostText
Last Renew Date 
Loan CatalogerUsername of staff person who loaned the itemText
Loan Cataloger IPWorkstation identifier or internal IP of the workstation from which the loan was madeText
Loan Date
Loan YearCalendar yearDate

Loan Month

Calendar monthDate

Loan FY

Fiscal year. Fiscal year starts July 1.Date
Loan Month FYMonth order by fiscal year. July is the first month of the fiscal year.Date
Loan StatusContains: A (Active), C (Claimed Returned), and L (Lost)Text
Loan NumberUnique identifier for loanInteger
Loan SourceContains H when the loan was created following a hold request and null otherwise.Text
Material typeItem material typeText
Non-Patron Loan FlagField contains Y for Patron Status Codes defined for pseudopatrons and N for Patron Status Codes for real patrons. Text

Original Due Date

Last Renew Date

Loan Date

Recall Due Date

Recall Date

Ret Date

Loan Cataloger

Number of loans Calculated field in Cognos 

Material type

Patron ID

Patron Note

Renewal Cataloger

Item Status

Loan Item Status


Loan Type

Recall Type