HART Library Reporting and the Library Reporting Warehouse

HART is the Harvard Analytics and Reporting Tool, an Oracle OAS reporting system centrally run by HUIT.  HART provides reporting and analytics for the Library Reporting Warehouse, an Oracle database with data sets for: Alma bibs, holdings and items; HD and ReCAP inventory and transactions; Google scanning data (GLIB), and archived data from Aleph.

HART login via Harvard Key: https://hart.biprod.huit.harvard.edu/analytics

HART Library Data Sources

Data sets currently available are: Alma bibs, holdings and items, Harvard Depository (HD) inventory, ReCAP inventory, Aleph circulation history and Google Library Inventory. Alma data in HART reflects updates, additions and deletions made two days prior. HD and ReCAP data is current to the previous day. Data in Aleph circulation history is static. Google and Hathi data in Google Library Inventory is updated approximately once a month. 

Each data set has a specific purpose and is a self-contained set of tables. Elements from different models cannot be combined in a single analysis. See the information below on selecting the right model for your analysis, along with data description for each table, and a diagram of the data model and table joins. 

Alma Metadata 

Select Alma Metadata when you want to query Alma data and you do not need detailed information about HD and ReCAP. Alma Metadata is the only model that includes Portfolios, and the only subject area that includes MARC Fields, a table of MARC bib and holdings data (known as Z00r data in Cognos). The Alma Items table has fields for In HD Flag and In ReCAP Flag. These are Y/N fields that indicate the Alma barcode is an active item in the HD or ReCAP inventory. Selected HD and ReCAP fields are available in Alma Items - HD & ReCAP. Alma Bibs table includes vernacular script fields for 1XX, 245, 260/264, and 830. Alma Metadata also includes Scanned Items table which is the set of volumes scanned by Google and available in HathiTrust. 

Data for HD Reports

Select Data for HD Reports when you want to query Harvard items that are stored at HD, including but not necessarily limited to items that are also in Alma, and need to include information about transactions or on-shelf availability. HD data includes information about items that have, and have not circulated from HD, and detailed information about stored materials --their location, container, media, etc. 

Data for ReCAP Reports

Select Data for ReCAP Reports when you want to query Harvard items that are stored at ReCAP, including but not necessarily limited to items that are also in Alma, and need to include information about transactions or on shelf availability. ReCAP data includes information about items that have, and have not circulated from ReCAP, and detailed information about stored materials --their location, container, media, etc. ReCAP data includes items for other ReCAP partner institutions: Princeton, Columbia, and New York Public Library. 

Aleph Circulation History

Circulation history data from Aleph (the ILS prior to Alma) provides loan data for the sixteen year period between June, 2002 and June, 2018. Aleph Circulation History data can be used in two ways:

  • Report on completed loans in Aleph. This includes patron and non-patron (pseudopatron) loans. Non-patron loans were loans created in Aleph for the purpose of transiting items between libraries, to and from HD, etc.  
  • Report on loan history of items that migrated from Aleph to Alma with item, holding and bibliographic metadata from Alma. 

For general circulation statistics in Aleph, use the measures in Aleph Circulation History table for Number of Aleph Loans and add attributes from the Aleph Circulation History table only such as Aleph Sublibrary, Aleph Create Date, Loan Year, Loan FY, Material Type, Patron Status, Patron Type or Item Status. 

For loan history of items migrated to Alma, use the measures for Number of Aleph Loans in conjunction with data from Alma Items, Holdings and Bibs. 

Google Library Inventory (GLIB)

Report on the LTS maintained tracking database of items sent to Google for scanning in conjunction with reports on item scanning metadata and full text availability from Google and HathiTrust. GLIB data provides the following:

  • Item, holdings, and bibliographic metadata for inventory of volumes sent to Google for scanning
  • URNs that link to full text for scanned materials
  • Google report that tracks items through the Google scanning workflow including when an item was scanned or not scanned
  • Detailed information about the quality of the scan 
  • Information regarding physical condition of the item that affects the scan, including preventing scanning
  • HathiTrust copyright status and full text availability.

Tables and Field Definitions

Alma Metadata

Data for HD Reports

Data for ReCAP Reports

Aleph Circ HistoryGoogle Library InventoryData Delay in HART

Alma Bibs





(tick)2 days

Alma Holdings

(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)2 days

Alma Portfolios


2 days

Alma Items

(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)2 days

Google Scanned Items



HD Items


1 day
HD History

1 day
ReCAP Items


1 day
ReCAP History


1 day

Alma MARC Fields for Bibs & Holdings


2 days

Alma Items - HD & ReCAP


2 days
Aleph Circulation History

Google and Hathi scanning data
