- Object Owner Supplied Name (OSN) - Unique within the DRS Owner Code
- File Owner Supplied Name (OSN) for each file in the object - doesn't need to be unique in DRS Owner Code or anywhere else in DRS
- Role for each object - especially important if an object is a TARGET of a relationship
- e.g. in order to be a TARGET of 'HAS_SUPPLEMENT' the object has to have the role 'THESIS_SUPPLEMENT'
- Relationships to other objects in the batch or already deposited in DRS
Variable definitions for use in making Object OSN, File OSN, and Harvard Metadata Link values:
SCHOOL_CODE - dropbox: gsas, dce, college,
OBJECT_ROLE - Thesis or Supplement[1,2,3..] or License[1,2,3…] or Documentation[1,2,3,..] (outlined below)
Rule for creating Object and File OSNs using variable definitions from the Alma MARCXML Template and fileSec information
- ETD_THESIS_gsas_2022_PQ_12345678
- ETD_SUPPLEMENT_1_gsas_2022_PQ_12345678
- ETD_SUPPLEMENT_2_gsas_2022_PQ_12345678
- ETD_DOCUMENTATION_1_gsas_2022_PQ_12345678
- ETD_LICENSE_1_gsas_2022_PQ_12345678
Rule for creating Harvard Metadata Link value for each DRS Object (Thesis and all supplementary objects)