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Data Sets on the HART roadmap

Google Library Inventory - In production August, 2023

Self-service reporting on Google Library Inventory database (GLIB). GLIB stores data from Google scanning projects that date from 2004 to present. GLIB tables contain

    • Item and bibliographic metadata for inventory of volumes sent to Google for scanning
    • URNs that link to full text for scanned materials
    • Transaction records that track items through the Google scanning workflow including when an item was scanned or not scanned
    • Detailed information about the quality of the scan 
    • Information regarding physical condition of the item that affects the scan, including preventing scanning

Status: GLIB implementation is part of a larger project outlined in the Charter for Google and HathiTrust Discovery and Data Maintenance. Reporting implementation is currently focused on updates to the LRS Alma holdings load script that will populate a new table for Google scanned barcodes. The specification for scanned_items is written and the loader changes are in development. In addition a specifications are needed for:




 Project charter for HART:  GLIB - Google Library Inventory project

Alma Portfolios

Publish from Alma and ingest in Library Reporting Data Warehouse records for electronic resources such as ebooks and ejournals. Implement HART data model and work with staff who manage eresources to gather requirements and define information needs that will be met by the data set.

Status: Data load specification for loading portfolio records published by Alma was reviewed and discussed on June 22, 2022 in a meeting with Amy Dittman, Nancy Quinn, Gerry Walden, Bob Threlkeld and Mallory Kasinicwith eresources experts (Amy Dittman, Lauren Syer, Mallory Kasinec, Minna Popkin, Gerry Walden, Nancy Bojan Quinn, Dennis Flanders, Amy Armitage and Amanda Schmidt) on June 22, 2022 and October 17, 2023. Feedback suggests that all portfolios should be loaded, whether they represent active available resources or not. Staff are There is also interested in the possibility of appending interest in a table that appends all records, whether they are new or updated, since it would expose all activity by staff and reflect decision-making and updates to eresources over time, but such a table is a lower priority than creating a table of portfolios, one row per unique ID.

Gate-Swipe data - Cancelled
