Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


NET holdingPortfolio
OCLC symbols in WorldShare

NET holdings that meet specific criteria are reported to OCLC under the HUL symbol. Criteria evaluated include location code, restriction note, and the URL/URN. For the current criteria please visit https://wikiharvardwiki.harvardatlassian.edunet/confluencewiki/x/TBpHEum_WAg

Not reported to OCLC
Alma link management


(batch normalization rules available for large-scale changes)

Alma tools are provided for link management including activation/deactivation, base URL changes, etc. 
Exposed in Borrow Direct


HOLLIS search results display

ONLINE link is presented based on 856 field

Online Resource is also presented as a "library"

ONLINE link is presented based on link in the Portfolio

HOLLIS View Online section
in full display

Link is presented based on 856 fieldLink presented based on Portfolio data
HOLLIS Access options section
in full display
Shown as "Online Resource" library with all MARC holding notes meant for displayn/a