The Keeper does certain tasks on a regular basis.
Check Aeon. Due: beginning of the day.
Place a collection item on the stand on the big table in Isham.
Consult the Digital Scores checklist for newly digitized materials that can be linked in RISM. Due: every Friday.
Evaluate the hold shelf under cabinet 1 in the Merritt Room for materials that can be refiled. Due: every Friday.
Collect new materials from the Senior Music Cataloguer and route for end-processing. Due: every Friday.
Print a new copy of the Technology Survey form and copy the data from the previous month's form into the Technology Survey Data spreadsheet. . Due: first day of the month.
Prepare a report synthesizing the results of the Technology Survey Data for the previous quarter and share over email with the Richard F. French Librarian and the Administrative Co-ordinator. Due: first day of the quarter.
Prepare the Isham annual report. Due: July.
Every five years
Engage in strategic planning for facilities, collections and programs.