We discuss idealized atmospheric general circulation models. Specifically, our local GFDL FMS expert Feng Ding will introduce us the idea of model hierarchy and show how to run a series of simpler models on Odyssey, such as dry dynamical core, grey-radiation model, moist model with full-radiation calculation (i.e. RRTMG), as well as the idea of line-by-line calculation. Lei also talk about a simpler moist GCM.
- August 22, Wednesday, noon, GeoMus 418
Sixth workshop on "Ocean models – MITgcm"
Upcoming workshops: Ocean models (e.g. MITgcm) by Xiaoting, advanced CESM modeling by Wanying, idealized quasi-geostrophic models by Lei, a summer Hackathon by all of us ... Stay tuned! . please edit this and add your slides. thanks!