We discuss idealized atmospheric general circulation models. Specifically, our local GFDL FMS expert Feng Ding will introduce us the idea of model hierarchy and show how to run a series of simpler models on Odyssey, such as dry dynamical core, grey-radiation model, moist model with full-radiation calculation (i.e. RRTMG), as well as the idea of line-by-line calculation. Lei also talk about a simpler moist GCM.
- August 1, Wednesday, noon, GeoMus 418
Seventh workshop on "CESM hackathon"
CESM hackathon workshop by Wanying Kang. Wanying lead a hand-on tutorial on doing small modifications in CESM, including namelist changing, source code development, component set/grid choice, parallel programming tips. (Slides: cesm_hackathon.pdf)
- August 22, Wednesday, noon, GeoMus 418
Sixth Eighth workshop on "Ocean models – MITgcm"
Upcoming workshops: Ocean models (e.g. MITgcm) by Xiaoting. Xiaoting , please edit this and add your slides. thanks! gave a brief introduction to how to run a shoe-box idealized ocean experiment using MITgcm on Odyssey, with a focus on technical details of the steps to set the model up. (Slides: MITgcm_intro.pdf)
- September 4, Tuesday, noon, GeoMus 418
Nineth workshop on "Simpler models – Two-layer Quasi-Geostrophic Model"
Quasi-geostrophic models by Lei Wang. Lei gave a brief introduction to how to run an idealized two-layer quasi-geostrophic experiment to understand oceanic and atmospheric dynamics using UneQG (developed by Lei) on Odyssey, with a focus on technical details of the steps to set the model up. (Slides: QG_model_intro.pdf)
- 4/16/2019, Tuesday, 4pm, Link 269
Tenth workshop on "CESM2 on Odyssey"
Seb took us through the instructions in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s4ak3KIId8L8MCA28zb1e8jOmImlwCyxaTe2bpArv7k/edit?usp=sharing.