506 0_ $$a Open for research. [note first indicator of 0]
506 1_ $$a Material [$$a This material (or a portion of this material] ) is shelved offsite at the Harvard Depository. Retrieval requires advance notice. Check Readers should check with Houghton Public Services staff .
to determine what material is offsite and retrieval policies and times.
506 1_ $$a Restricted: fragile; use surrogate. For access to original consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #1]
If a surrogate copy must be used, state the restriction in the 506 and also enter the surrogate information in 845 .
506 1_ $$a Restricted: fragile; consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #2]
506 1_ |a Restricted: donor/depositor permission required; $$3material $$3 material unavailable until [YYYY MONTH DD or on deposit]; consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #7]
For Houghton materials use the form: $$5 hou
For Harvard Theatre Collection use the form: $$5 the
For Woodberry Poetry Room materials housed at Houghton used the form: $$5 poe
Note: Materials marked with a $$5 poe, have an 852 $$b HOU.