506 Restrictions on access note

506 Restrictions on access note

This field is for notes on restrictions to access of the materials.

indicators:       1st       0     No restrictions 

                                 1      Restrictions apply

                      2nd      #      Undefined

subfields:        $$a - status of record

                      $$5 - institution to which field applies


$$a Status of record

punctuation:    This subfield ends with a full point..

As per the Houghton Restrictions Policy, there are 12 possibilities of wording for this subfield. See full policy document for additional details.


506 0_  $$a Open for research.

506 1_ $$a This material (or a portion of this material) is shelved offsite at the Harvard Depository. Retrieval requires advance notice. Readers should check with Houghton Public Services staff to determine what material is offsite and retrieval policies and times. 

506 1_   $$a Restricted: fragile; use surrogate.  For access to original consult curatorial staff.  [Restrictions policy #1]

 If a surrogate copy must be used, state the restriction in the 506 and also enter the surrogate information in 845.

506 1_    $$a Restricted: fragile; consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #2]

For fragile material with no surrogate copy available.

506 1_ |a Restricted: special handling required; consult curatorial staff for appointment. [Restrictions policy #3]

506 1_ |a Restricted: unprocessed; consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #4]

506 1_ |a Restricted: limited access; consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #5]

506 1_ |a Restricted: limited access; use surrogate. For access to original, consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #6]

506 1_ |a Restricted: donor/depositor permission required; $$3 material unavailable until [YYYY MONTH DD or on deposit]; consult curatorial staff. [Restrictions policy #7]

506 1_ |a Restricted: closed for cataloging until [YYYY MONTH]. [Restrictions policy #8]

506 1_ |a Restricted: closed for conservation. [Restrictions policy #9]

506 1_ |a Restricted: for legal or university policy reasons; available [YYYY MONTH]. [Restrictions policy #10]


Do not specify which curator.  Public services staff will determine which Houghton curator maintains authority of the materials. 


$$5 Institution to which field applies

punctuation:    Ends with no punctuation.


For Houghton materials use the form:   $$5 hou

For Harvard Theatre Collection use the form:  $$5 the

For Woodberry Poetry Room materials housed at Houghton used the form: $$5 poe

Note: Materials marked with a $$5 poe, have an 852 $$b HOU.

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