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This is the original item manifest data extracted from Aleph, and then Alma, and provided to Google when the item was sent for scanning.




Scanned BarcodeBarcode scanned by GoogleCurrent BarcodeCurrent barcode in cases where the barcode in scanned barcode has changed.Library CodeLibrary Code of physical itemLocationLocation Code o physical itemDescriptionCopyCall Number TypeCall NumberEnumeration AEnumeration BEnumeration CEnumeration DEnumeration EEnumeration FEnumeration GEnumeration HChronological IChronological JChronological KChronological L
Field nameDescriptionData type
Google URNLink to Null in 229,432 records.MMSIDAlma MMSIDHolding IDAlma Holding ID for physical item. Data type needs adjusting as last 4 digits are 4000, instead of 3941. Probably not needed from Google items. Null in 14,635 records. Item PIDAlma Item PID for physical item. Data Type needs adjusting. Null in 14,635 records. Barcodes for rows with null Item ID in Alma Analytics: 282 are Active, 7,020 are Deleted and 7,333 are not found.
Manifest Aleph Record NumberAleph bibliographic record identifier. Present for items sent prior to 2018.Text
Manifest BarcodeBarcode on the item sent to GoogleText
Manifest Chron IHighest level of chronology, usually yearText
Manifest Chron JNext level of chronologyText
Manifest Date AddedDate the item data was loaded to Google Library Inventory databaseDate
Manifest DescriptionEnumeration and chronology for displayText
Manifest Enum AHighest level of enumeration, usually volumeText

Manifest Enum B

Next highest level of enumerationText

Manifest Holdings Id

Holding unique identifier in AlmaText

Manifest Item PID

Item unique identifier in AlmaText

Manifest Library Code

Library code of physical itemText
Manifest Location CodeLocation code of physical itemText
Manifest MMSIDBib unique identifier in AlmaText