The final count of boxes and/or volumes will not be determined until the end-processing is completed. The cataloger will archivist should insert a provisional count at the end of the descriptive work. When the end-processing is complete, the manuscript assistant will inform the cataloger archivist of the final “count” and the cataloger will change the Aleph record, and the OASIS finding aidarchivist will updated MARC record and finding aid (if needed).
An item/volume that is over 28 cm. high is a folio
300 Physical description. (DACS 2.5) Required
This field contains the physical description of the collection, including its extent. Punctuation is conventional in this field and is noted below. Do not abbreviate words. This field displays in HOLLIS OPAC as ‘Description:’
351 Current arrangement of materials. (DACS 3.2) Required
[updated 12/06/20132018]
This field describes the current arrangement of a collection -- the manner in which the materials of the entire collection have been subdivided into smaller units. This field displays in HOLLIS OPAC as ‘Description:’ When describing arrangement this can be a more general selection than in the finding aid if the outline is very long. Series arrangement information should be in the finding aid only unless there is only one series, then arrangement is described in this field.
The form of the 351 field should reflect the text as it is listed in the frontmatter <arrangement> arrangement section of the EAD finding aid, or a shortened version of the same.
351 $$a Arranged chronologically, then alphabetically by subject.
NOTE: All stub records of accessioned collections, should have this note:
351__ $$a Collection is minimally processed351 $$a Collection is minimally processed.
Note can be appended if arrangement is present.
351 $$a Collection is minimally processed. Organized alphabetically as received by repository.
351 $$a Collection is minimally processed. Loosely arranged into the following series: I. Correspondence; and II. Printed Material.