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Alma Portfolios - In Process

Publish from Alma and ingest in Library Reporting Data Warehouse records for electronic resources such as ebooks and ejournals. Implement HART data model and work with staff who manage eresources to gather requirements and define information needs that will be met by the data set.

Status: Data load specification for loading portfolio records published by Alma was reviewed and discussed with eresources experts (Amy Dittman, Lauren Syer, Mallory Kasinec, Minna Popkin, Gerry Walden, Nancy Bojan Quinn, Dennis Flanders, Amy Armitage and Amanda Schmidt) on June 22, 2022 and October 17, 2023. Feedback suggests that all portfolios should be loaded, whether they represent available resources or not. There is also interest in a table that appends all records, whether they are new or updated, since it would expose all activity by staff and reflect decision-making and updates over time, but such a table is a lower priority than creating a table of portfolios, one row per unique ID.


Weissman Preservation Center's primary application for documenting preservation treatments. 

Status: Requested access to github to review technical documentation for ACORN. 

Cataloging Statistics dashboard

In Process

Cataloging Statistics dashboard 

Status: Data load QA underway. Full load expected in December.

Detailed information regarding accessioned and cataloged materials by cataloger, unit, project and date.

Aeon and ArchiveSpace data

Status: Assessing feasibility of LRW ingest. Meeting with stakeholders. MySQL database. 

Data Sets under consideration for HART

  • Aeon and ArchiveSpace data


  • ReCAP Partner bibliographic metadata

Periodically load full bibliographic data from ReCAP partner libraries to support collection analysis.


Extract and load data to enable analyses that measure use of digital objects.


Weissman Preservation Center's primary application for documenting preservation treatments. 

Status: Requested access to github to review technical documentation for ACORN. 

Cancelled data sets

Gate-Swipe data - Cancelled


Formerly known as "Turnstiles", this data set is sourced from the gates at entrances to Widener, Cabot, Fine Arts, Lamont libraries. The data set includes datetime of entry, location of the gate, and some anonymized data on the individual entering the library such as affiliation, role, school, year of matriculation and others. A project template for Gates has been started.

Status: Data privacy considerations involving person identifying information are currently under discussion. 
