Links for digital objects representing material described in finding aids should be added to the appropriate finding aid in ArchivesSpace. Create and link digital objects in ArchivesSpace. Digital objects Digital objects that represent manuscript materials may be created/linked individually in by creating individual digital objects and linking manually or by using the Link-o-matic application.
As of September 2017, it will be policy to use ArchivesSpace Digital Objects for digital images of all material described in finding aids, including restricted material (i.e. under copyright). Digital Objects for restricted material should remain unpublished. Previously, such material had been linked to a suppressed holdings record in ALEPH which corresponded to the bib record for the collection. If you add links for restricted material using Link-o-matic, you will need to manually uncheck the publish box for Digital Object to ensure they are not made public.
Running Link-o-matic:
At any time after one or more digital objects have been deposited in the DRS, open the resource record containing archival object records to be linked in the edit mode
Click the "Fetch Digital Objects" button
In the "Enter Owner Code" dialogue box that appears, enter your DRS owner code (for Houghton it is FHCL.HOUGH) in the owner code box, then click the "Fetch Digital Objects" button
When the "Fetch Digital Objects Results" dialogue box appears, either select "Go to Background Job" or "Close," which will bring you to the background job log page.
While Link-o-matic is running, the log will show a status of "queued" or "running" and will changed to "completed" once Link-o-matic has finished running.
Note that ArchivesSpace can only run one background job at a time. Several tasks qualify as background jobs, and all of those tasks across repositories go into a single job queue based on when the job was initiated. If there are other jobs in the queue, the status will reflect where a job stands in the queue.
When Link-o-matic has finished running, the log will indicate how many archival object records were searched, how many were linked, and will generate a list of the Ref IDs of archival objects that were not linked.
Once the job has completed, click the green "Refresh Page" button on the left side of the screen.
Newly created digital object records will have the following fields:
- Title (same as the archival object record title)
- Identifier (same as the archival object record identifier with a "d" appended onto the end)
- Publish box checked
- File URI: digital object URN
- XLink Actuate Attribute: onRequest
- XLink Show Attribute: new
Link-o-matic and deleting or updating existing digital object records:
Currently, there is a bug in ArchivesSpace that impacts prevents Link-o-matic from working if digital object records are deleted without first removing the digital object instance from the archival object record. To ensure Link-o-matic will work, follow the below instructions for deleting digital object records:
- Open the archival object record in the edit mode
- Under instances, click the x on the digital object
- Click confirm removal, which will remove the digital object instance
- Search for the digital object record
- Click the delete button
- Confirm delete
Once the digital object record has been deleted, Link-o-matic can be run again and should fetch the corresponding URN.
If the URN of the digital object is the only metadata that needs to be changed, you can also go into the digital object record in the edit mode and change the URN in the File URI field.
"Load via Spreadsheet" option.
Creating Digital Objects
- Log into ArchivesSpace
- Click "Create" from the top left menu and select "Digital Object"
- Fill in the following fields:
- Basic Information
- Title - Copy the exact title from the item record for which you are creating a digital object
- Identifier - Copy the identifier from the item record for which you are creating a digital object, adding the suffix "d"
- Publish - Click this box for materials that are not marked for restriction. Most Houghton digital objects can be published, but some have rights issues that require them left unpublished. This should be marked on the order tracking sheet.
- File Versions
- File URI - Copy in the URN created by running the DRS report through the DRS conversion template (DRS report instructions here)
- XLink Actuate Attribute - Select "OnRequest"
- XLink Show Attribute - Select "new"
- Publish - Click this box for materials that are not marked for restriction. Most Houghton digital objects can be published, but some have rights issues that require them left unpublished. This should be marked on the order tracking sheet.
- Basic Information
- At the bottom of the page, select "Save Digital Object"
Manually Linking Digital Objects
- Log into ArchivesSpace
- Search for the item record to which you wish to link a digital object
- At the bottom of the page in the "Instances" menu, select "Add Digital Object"
- Select "Browse" and search for the digital object you with to link (should have the same name as the item record)
- Select item and click "Link to Digital Objects" button
Load via Spreadsheet
- Run DRS report through the DRS conversion template (DRS report instructions here)
- Copy the data created in columns A-I
- Open the ArchivesSpace Digital Object Importing Template (H:\Imaging_and_Houghton\spreadsheets 2018-2019\Templates and Labels\aspace_import_excel_DO_template.xlsx)
- Paste data copied from DRS conversion template into cell C6
- Mark cells in column H "True" for publishable materials, and "False" for restricted materials
- Save spreadsheet using the EAD ID (data in column C) as new name
- Log into ArchivesSpace
- Search for collection using EAD ID, i.e "hou02015"
- Select the "edit" button on the search result for the correct collection
- Select "Load via Spreadsheet" in the third menu from the top of the collection edit page
- Click the "+Select File" button and select the spreadsheet saved with the EAD ID of the collection
- Select the "Add Digital Objects to Archival Objects" button and then the "Import from Spreadsheet" button