- Data loading for portfolios: Implement new database table for Alma portfolios. Status: In sandbox.
- Add 856 field for Electronic Location and Access to the Alma Holdings table.
- Data loading for bibs: Normalized Title is needed for sorting. This would be title without leading article (based on second indicator in 245 field), special characters, or punctuation and converted to lowercase.
Known Issues
- Data loading for holdings: Alma publishing does not include a 950 field for modified by, modified date, etc. when publishing deleted records. For deleted records the loader needs to capture date from the filename and load the date to holdings modification date. Also need help from DevOps to create a plan to correct holdings that are active and should be deleted. This is fixed in current exports of deleted holdings (11/2/2021).
- Data loading for items: Data in Item XML 952 field subfields O (Created by) and Q (Modified by) are being truncated during load.
- In Alma Analytics:
- In HART:
- Add column to Bibs for 035 identifiers that are not OCLC numbers, for example electronic theses and dissertations use 035 for ProQuestETD identifier.