Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Be sure Proxima Nova - Bold is installed on your computer prior to adjusting caption styles, font files may be accessed via the link at the top of this page. When Proxima Nova is unavailable, use Helvetica or Arial.
  • These instructions are based on 1920x1080 source file size. Be sure your captions frame size is set to 1920x1080 (to change, right click on the captions in the bin, "Modify > Captions..."). If your source video file is not 1920x1080 you may need to adjust the captions' frame size and font size accordingly.
  • These instructions are based on Adobe Premiere's captions utility (not title text)


  • Be sure Proxima Nova - Bold is installed on your computer prior to adjusting caption styles, font files may be accessed via the link at the top of this page. When Proxima Nova is unavailable, use Helvetica or Arial.
  • These instructions are based on a 1080x1080 sequence size ("Sequence > Sequence Settings..."). Be sure your captions frame size is set to 1080x1080 (to change, right click on the captions in the bin, "Modify > Captions...").
  • These instructions are based on Adobe Premiere's captions utility (not title text)
